Light Machinegun

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Generic Light Machine Gun
Imperial Sunburst-Sun-IISS-Traveller.gif
Generic Light Machine Gun
Group: Ranged Weapon
Tech Level TL–6
Size 1,100.0 mm
Weight 5,500.0 grams
Cost Cr1,200
Ammo 6mm bullet, x100-round belts
Manufacturer Various
Generic Light Machine Gun

The Light Machine Gun (11,500.0 grams loaded on tripod; Cr1,200; TL-6) is typically used as a squad-based support weapon. [1]

Description (Specifications)

"Light Machine Gun (LMG):" A heavier belt fed version of the automatic rifle, the LMG fires a 6mm, 5.0 gram bullet at velocities of 900 meters per second with a practical rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute (50-round bursts several times a minute). Ammunition is provided in 100-round belts. Reloading requires a minute or more if the weapon is manned by a single sophont, and significantly less than a minute if a loader is present. If a loader is present, he may link two 100-round belts to form a 200-round belt on the spot. This may not generally be done ahead of time as each belt is carried in its own ammo box. Linked 200-round belts are often provided ahead of time if the weapon is emplaced in a defensive fieldwork or is vehicle-mounted. [3]

Each pull of the trigger fires a 10-round burst, up to five of which may be fired every couple of seconds. Each burst may be directed at a different target, provided all are within a 45° degree firing arc. If more than two bursts are fired every few seconds, there is a chance that the LMG will overheat and jam. Jams require clearing before the weapon can fire again. The LMG is provided with a bipod, and generally must be fired while prone with the bipod extended, although the weapon can also be fired from any convenient rest (bunker embrasure, log, etc). Tripods may be purchased, use of which allows the weapon to fire at targets at extreme range and extends the weapon's arc of fire to 90° degrees. [4]

Weapon Characteristics

Length: 1,100.0 mm. Weight, Unloaded: 5,500.0 grams (100-round belt: 2,500.0 grams; tripod mount: 3,500.0 grams). Base price: Cr1,200 (100-round belt Cr120, tripod Cr250). Extreme range (when tripod mounted): 1,000.0 meters. Tech level 6.

  • (Note: at tech level 5, a more primitive version of the machinegun becomes available. This version is water cooled, weighs 6,000.0 grams without tripod, must be used with a tripod, may only fire up to four bursts a minute, and may jam if more than one burst is fired a minute.) [5]

History & Background (Dossier)

The first machineguns were a progressive development of semiautomatic and automatic ironmongery. Earlier machineguns were less succesful, with many mechanical jams, and were often used as wall guns on fortresses. As aircraft developed, the machinegun was the first choice for an effective weapon used in air to air combat. [6]

As the technology for internal mechanisms improves and becomes more reliable, more sophisticated, faster-firing machineguns become possible. Multi-barrel rotary guns are also an offshoot of machine gun technology. A variety of feed mechanisms have been devised for such weapons from drums to belts to chain-linked ammunition and more. The weapons remain in active service in a number of roles until the advent of gauss and energy weapons, which supplant them once perfected. [7]

Selected Light Machine Gun Models

  1. TL-4 Wall Gun
  2. TL-5 Light Machine Gun
  3. TL-6 Light Machine Gun
  4. TL-7 Light Machine Gun
  5. TL-8 Light Machine Gun
  6. TL-9 Light Machine Gun
  7. TL-10 Light Machine Gun
  8. TL-11 Light Machine Gun
  9. TL-12 Light Machine Gun

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  2. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  3. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 38.
  4. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 39.
  5. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 39.
  6. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  7. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak