GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1

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Alien Races 1
Zhodani, Vargr and other races of the Spinward Marches
Author David L. Pulver
Publisher Steve Jackson Games
Version GURPS Traveller
Edition 1st
Format Book (Softback)
Language English
Pages 144
Year Published 1998
Canonical Yes
Available from e23
ISBN 1-55634-361-2 Stock #6603
Table of Contents

GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1 is the first book in the GURPS Alien Races series describes the Zhodani, Vargr, and a number of minor races.

Description (Specifications)

Two Major Races...

In contrast to the Imperium, the human-descended Zhodani have long embraced psi powers. Within their vast interstellar empire, crime is almost unknown, workers are uniformly happy in their jobs, and mental illness is as easy to cure as a paper cut, thanks to advanced powers of the mind ... and periodic visits from the Thought Police.

The Vargr are a race of aliens descended from transplanted Terran canines. Removed from Earth hundreds of millennia ago, the Vargr have continued to develop on worlds millions of miles away from their planet of origin, and now control hundreds of worlds, under almost as many separate governments.

Both are formidable rivals to the Third Imperium. Alien Races 1 for GURPS Traveller has everything you need to set a campaign in the Zhodani Consulate or Vargr Extents. It includes starship deck plans and vehicle designs, weaponry, rules and templates for creating player characters and NPCs, up-to-date history and cultural information, and much more.

Three Minor Races ..

Presented here for the first time are three significant "minor races" from Zhodani and Vargr territory:

Almost unknown in Imperial territory, these races are growing powers in the Zhodani Consulate and the Vargr Extents.

Table of Contents

GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1
align="right" |Page 4
1. The Zhodani Page 5
2. The Vargr Page 64
3. The Drakarans Page 100
4. The Clotho Page 113
5. The Sheol Page 122
6. Psionics Page 134
Index Page 143

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

GURPS Traveller: Alien Races Series

The GURPS Traveller: Alien Races Series produced at least four canon volumes:

  1. GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 1: Zhodani & Vargr
  2. GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 2: Aslan & K'kree
  3. GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 3: Droyne & Hiver
  4. GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 4: Minor Races
  5. GURPS Traveller: Humaniti: Humaniti, Major & Minor

Credits (Primary Sources)

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Author TBD

|- | Author

David L. Pulver

|- | Editor

Loren K. Wiseman

|- | Cover

Paul Abrams and Tom Sorensen

|- | Illustrations

Rob Caswell, Matt Cavotta, Langdon Foss, Fredd Gorham, and Glenn Grant

External Link/s

Commentary & Data articles:




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References & Contributions (Sources)

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