Transportation Technologies of Charted Space

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Sophont species, with few exceptions, develop means of locomotion or movement.

  • For most planetary species, this means walkers, sophonts who traverse the solid surface of a world using various numbers of legs and peds.
  • However, many other forms of locomotion exist for sophonts including: Swimming, flying, digging, amphibious locomotion, triphibious locomotion, and even more exotic means of movement.
  • But all lifeforms are limited to their physiological means of locomotion until they develop vehicles using technology.
  • Via technology, a sophont species may learn to traverse any environment including jumpspace or even pocket universes.

Please see the following AAB articles for more information:

Description (Specifications)

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

Transportation Technology

Transportation Tech Comparison
TTL G3TL G4TL Land Water Air Space
0 0 0 Foot - Animals Raft / Canoe - -
1 1-3 1-3 Wheel - Carts/Chariots Rowed Galleys, Crude Sailing Vessels - -
2 4 4 Advanced Wheel - Moveable Axle, Replaceable Rims Early Multi-Mast Sailing, Crude Navigation - -
3 5 5 Extensive Road - High-Speed Coach Multi-Mast Sailing, Navigation Hot Air Balloons -
4 5 6 Trains Ironclads, Steamships Dirigibles, Early Gliders -
5 6 6 Ground Cars, Tracked Vehicles Personal Self-Propelled Boats, Steel hulls, Early Submersibles Airplanes, Seaplanes Early Rockets (unmanned)
6 6 7 Amphibian Vehicles, ATVs AFVs Submersibles, Scuba, Amphibian Vehicles Early Jet, Helicopters Early Manned Rockets, Unmanned Rockets
7 7 7 Hovercraft, High-Speed Trains Hydrofoils, Hovercraft Supersonic Jet, Hang Gliders Deep Space Probes (Unmanned), Maneuver-1/2 (non-gravitic)
8 7 8 Triphibian Vehicles Triphibian Vehicles, Early Artificial Gills Triphibian Vehicles, Hypersonic Jet Space Shuttles, Space Stations, Maneuver-3-5 (non-grav)
9 8 9 Early Grav Vehicles, Ultra High-Speed Trains Early Grav Vehicles, Artificial Gills Early Grav Vehicles, Rocket Assist Suborbital Jump-1 possible, Sublight Stellar
10 9 10 Grav Vehicles UH Grav Modules Gravitic Maneuver

[1], Jump-1 certain

11 9 10 Personal G-Tubes, HV Grav Modules Jump-2, Thruster Technology[1]
12 10 11 Personal Grav Belts, LT Grav Modules Jump-3
13 10 11 Grav Vehicles Merge with Orbital Spacecraft, Jump-4
14 11 12 Jump-5
15 12 12 Jump-6
16 - - Raw Material Only Short Range Matter Transport
17 - - Inanimate Only Short Range Matter Transport
18 - - Self-Aware Starships, living being portal based Matter Transport
21 - - Multi Parsec Range Starship-Sized Matter Transport Portals

References & Contributors (Sources)

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  1. 1.0 1.1 In GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars, this module appears in TL8.