Altarean Confederation

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The government of the Murian minor race in Subsector N of the Vanguard Reaches.

  • The Murians have extensively explored and consolidated this subsector, founding a long-lasting, advanced and well-developed society spanning some twenty-eight systems.


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History & Background (Dossier)

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Government & Politics (Leadership)

The Altarean Confederation is a Confederation characterized by a low degree of governmental centralization that gives a high degree of sovereignty (freedom) to local (planetary) governments and sometimes suffers from a poor ability to create unified policy. The Altarean Confederation government is usually classified as a Confederation.

Governance Nature

Although the Confederation government appears stable, the politics of the individual worlds are somewhat chaotic.

  • Murians have a naturally combative nature among themselves. Combine this with their tendency toward individualism and the result is political systems which are highly participatory with frequent government changes.
  • Non-popular dictatorships and self-perpetuating oligarchies are almost non-existent. Democracies are the most stable governments. At times, however, the most popular form is government by riot.

Technology & Trade (Economy)

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Military & Intelligence (Force Projection)

Murian Space Marines are often used for health and safety inspections. They are large, strong and intimidating, and yet gentle and patient. They are adept at sniffing out hidden cargo and smugglers are loath to see them in boarding actions. They deploy from Murian Pride Class Missile Cruisers.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

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References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.