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===Historical Analogies===
===Historical Analogies===
[[The Pack]] has many historic parallels from Terran History: The Mafia, The Triads or The Yakuza.
[[The Pack]] has many historic parallels from Terran History: The Mafia, The Triads or The Yakuza. And from more recent {{Imperial}} history [[The Vriterbei]].

Revision as of 16:10, 20 August 2020

Vargr general.png

A pseudo-government operating across the wilds of the Provence, Corridor, Deneb, Tuglikki, Gvurrdon and Spinward Marches Sectors.


A quasi-governmental organisation that operates illegally within the Regency and immorally in all locations: "Robbing the Poor to give to the Rich". This organisation has a strong hold on Vargr settlements providing feudal-style security and social support in exchange for silence and support.

History & Background


The Vargr Splinters adjacent to the old Imperium were overrun by the Virus from 1133 onwards - Corridor Sector by 1138, with the Regency border in firm contact from 1139. As underground organisations, the criminal organisations were already adept at surviving in ways that the remainder of Vargr society was not. As a result, these preferentially survived the Virus onslaught and were able to elevate themselves into an interstellar organisation before any other more traditional organisations could recover.

Within the Regency, Vargr Organized Crime congeals into a racialist underground that, while it draws on human monetary and possessions, largely preys its own - the Vargr. Vargr 'towns', enclaves, cities and worlds are extorted and coerced into line with the objectives of The Pack and violence is one of its modalities. It can be argued that the overall goal of The Pack is Vargr survival in the safer shadow of the Regency inside and near the Regency Frontier. Humans take a long time to prove this, nor did they initially make great efforts to penetrate The Pack to root out its leadership. "So long as they do it to themselves and not us," was an excuse, complacent at best, racist at worst, for letting The Pack have their way with the Vargr in the safes and wilds.

Historical Analogies

The Pack has many historic parallels from Terran History: The Mafia, The Triads or The Yakuza. And from more recent Imperial history The Vriterbei.


No information yet available

References and Contributors

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.