Difference between revisions of "Military Ship"

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# [[Tempest class Attack Cruiser]]
# [[Tempest class Attack Cruiser]]
# [[Type C class Cruiser]]
# [[Type C class Cruiser]]
# [[Unicorn class Frigate]]
# [[Victrix class Multimission Sloop]]
# [[Victrix class Multimission Sloop]]
# [[Volker class Cruiser]]
# [[Volker class Cruiser]]
# [[Vulture class Warship]]
# [[Vulture class Warship]]
# [[TBD]]
# [[TBD]]
# [[TBD]]
# [[TBD]]
# [[TBD]]
# [[TBD]]

Revision as of 02:26, 27 February 2018

Military Ships are ships designed to defend a state against aggressors. This typically means that their design requirements are based on performance and survivability under attack. Military starships intended for combat are typically called warships.

Please refer to the following AAB library data for more information:

Description / Specifications

No information yet available.

Selected Ship Types

Some ship types widely used within Charted Space include:

  1. Cruiser (C)
  2. Defender (D)
  3. Escort (E)
  4. Frigate (G)
  5. Ortillery (H)
  6. Smallcraft
  7. System Defense Boat
  8. Unclassified (Z)

Selected Ship Classes

Some ship classes widely used within Charted Space include:

  1. Eurisko class Gunship
  2. Exocet class Intelligence Cruiser
  3. Garhawk class Warship
  4. Gazelle class Close Escort
  5. Inkaalur class Dreadnaught
  6. Iylvir class Light Assault Troop Carrier
  7. Lightning class Frontier Cruiser
  8. Smallcraft
    1. Assault Shuttle
    2. Bomber
    3. Fighter
      1. Manta class Escort Fighter
      2. Valkyrie class Fighter
  9. Tempest class Attack Cruiser
  10. Type C class Cruiser
  11. Unicorn class Frigate
  12. Victrix class Multimission Sloop
  13. Volker class Cruiser
  14. Vulture class Warship
  15. TBD
  16. TBD
  17. TBD
  18. TBD
  19. TBD
  20. TBD

History & Background / Dossier

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources

62px-Information icon.svg.png This article is missing content for one or more detailed sections. Additional details are required to complete the article. You can help the Traveller Wiki by expanding it.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.