Ukrat Subsector

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Ukrat Subsector
Azont Rrigak Gexkee

map from

Sector X'kug
Capital TBD
No. of Stars TBD
Majority Control Two Thousand Worlds - %
2nd Control Ka'ra Mandate - %

Subsector F of X'kug Sector.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Around half of this subsector is claimed by the Ka'ra Mandate, a K'kree client state maintained by subject races as a buffer between the Two Thousand Worlds and the aliens to spinward. The rest is Two Thousand Worlds territory.

Most of the subsector population is located at Xukkaarkaa (X'kug 1618).

Subsector Summary: 1116[edit]

Ukrat Subsector/summary

World Listing: 1116[edit]

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

No world articles for this Ukrat Subsector

Astrographic Features & Trade Routes: 1116[edit]

The following astrographic features and trade routes can be found within this area:

  • No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

Polity Listing: 1116[edit]

The following polities can be found within this subsector:

Native Sophonts: 1116[edit]

The following races (sophont species) are believed to have originated in this area:

  • Terragens (Non-human Terran races)
    • TBD

Demographics: 1116[edit]

Significant populations of the following races (sophont species) reside within this area:

  • Human
  • Terragens (Non-human Terran races)
    • None.

Linguistic Topography: 1105[edit]

The following languages are among the most commonly used within this astrographic region:

Major Historical Events Timeline: 1116[edit]

These are some of the more important historical events that have affected this area:

  • No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

62px-Information icon.svg.png This article is incomplete meaning it lacks important features, structure, or content. More work needs to be done to make this a good article. This is step 4. in the article refinement process.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.