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The Subsector is a mapping unit in Astrography, an area within a Sector.

  • Sixteen subsectors form a sector.
  • The average density of much of Charted Space is about 30 to 40 worlds per subsector.
  • It is a kind of Metric mostly used in political astrography.[1]

Description (Specifications)[edit]

The subsector is used by most spacefarers and is one of the astrographic measures of naval defense.

Strategic Subsector Defense[edit]

Many defensive fleets are allocated at the subsector level. Such a fleet is known as Subsector Navy. It is considered a basic military formation. They are typically controlled by a Subsector Duke, Subsector Duchess, or Saarpuhii. Under the system of Feudal Confederation, control of such armed forces is shared by the central government (Third Imperium) and the local government (Subsector Duke). Bonds of honor and fealty are the binding factor. Such bonds sometimes fail or break. [2]

Subsector Arrangement[edit]

Subsectors are commonly arranged in the following patterns by IISS regulation:

Subsector Arrangement

Subsector Numerical Sequencing[edit]

Subsectors are noted within a Sector by their position using the first sixteen letters of the alphabet (A-P).

  • A specific numerical sequence is associated with each subsector.
Subsectors Numerical Sequences
Subsector Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Remarks
A 0101 - 0110 0201 - 0210 0301 - 0310 0401 - 0410 0501 - 0510 0601 - 0610 0701 - 0710 0801 - 0810 This subsector forms a corner of the larger sector.
B 0901 - 0910 1001 - 1010 1101 - 1110 1201 - 1210 1301 - 1310 1401 - 1410 1501 - 1510 1601 - 1610 This subsector forms an coreward edge of the larger sector.
C 1701 - 1710 1801 - 1810 1901 - 1910 2001 - 2010 2101 - 2110 2201 - 2210 2301 - 2310 2401 - 2410 This subsector forms an coreward edge of the larger sector.
D 2501 - 2410 2601 - 2610 2701 - 2710 2801 - 2810 2901 - 2910 3001 - 3010 3101 - 3110 3201 - 3210 This subsector forms a corner of the larger sector.
E 0111 - 0120 0211 - 0220 0311 - 0320 0411 - 0420 0511 - 0520 0611 - 0620 0711 - 0720 0811 - 0820 This subsector forms an spinward edge of the larger sector.
F 0911 - 0920 1011 - 1020 1111 - 1120 1211 - 1220 1311 - 1320 1411 - 1420 1511 - 1520 1611 - 1620 This subsector forms internal part of the larger sector.
  • It is more difficult for interstellar corsairs to operate here.
G 1711 - 1720 1811 - 1820 1911 - 1920 2011 - 2020 2111 - 2120 2211 - 2220 2311 - 2320 2411 - 2420 This subsector forms internal part of the larger sector.
  • It is more difficult for interstellar corsairs to operate here.
H 2511 - 2420 2611 - 2620 2711 - 2720 2811 - 2820 2911 - 2920 3011 - 3020 3111 - 3120 3211 - 3220 This subsector forms an trailing edge of the larger sector.
I 0121 - 0130 0221 - 0230 0321 - 0330 0421 - 0430 0521 - 0530 0621 - 0630 0721 - 0730 0821 - 0830 This subsector forms an spinward edge of the larger sector.
J 0921 - 0930 1021 - 1030 1121 - 1130 1221 - 1230 1321 - 1330 1421 - 1430 1521 - 1530 1621 - 1630 This subsector forms internal part of the larger sector.
  • It is more difficult for interstellar corsairs to operate here.
K 1721 - 1730 1821 - 1830 1921 - 1930 2021 - 2030 2121 - 2130 2221 - 2230 2321 - 2330 2421 - 2430 This subsector forms internal part of the larger sector.
  • It is more difficult for interstellar corsairs to operate here.
L 2521 - 2430 2621 - 2630 2721 - 2730 2821 - 2830 2921 - 2930 3021 - 3030 3121 - 3130 3221 - 3230 This subsector forms an trailing edge of the larger sector.
M 0131 - 0140 0231 - 0240 0331 - 0340 0431 - 0440 0531 - 0540 0631 - 0640 0731 - 0740 0831 - 0840 This subsector forms a corner of the larger sector.
N 0931 - 0940 1031 - 1040 1131 - 1140 1231 - 1240 1331 - 1340 1431 - 1440 1531 - 1540 1631 - 1640 This subsector forms an rimward edge of the larger sector.
O 1731 - 1740 1831 - 1840 1931 - 1940 2031 - 2040 2131 - 2140 2231 - 2240 2331 - 2340 2431 - 2440 This subsector forms an rimward edge of the larger sector.
P 2531 - 2440 2631 - 2640 2731 - 2740 2831 - 2840 2931 - 2940 3031 - 3040 3131 - 3140 3231 - 3240 This subsector forms a corner of the larger sector.


  • In addition, they are named and may be called by a variety of synonyms for subsector, including province, cluster, or district.
  • Imperial convention is to assign numbers to districts (for example, District 268) which are under Imperial protection pending integration into the Imperium.[3]

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The subsector is the most active unit of interstellar commerce and government. Outside of a subsector, the limitations of governance and communications technology significantly limit all but the most high level societal interactions. In a very applied sense, the subsector is the basic community of Charted Space. The vast majority of gentlesophonts live their entire lives in just a single subsector.[4]

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  2. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  3. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  4. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak