Preagricultural World
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- Trade code for mainworlds or satellite worlds.
- Planet or world type.
Description / Specifications[edit]
No information yet available.
Planetary Characteristics[edit]
No information yet available.
Type | Code | Size | Atm | Hyd | Pop | Gov | Law | Remarks |
Nonagricultural World | Na | -- | 0123 | 0123 | 56789ABC | -- | -- | Little to no agricultural sector. Perhaps subsistence farming. |
Farming World | Fa | -- | 456789 | 45678 | 23456 | -- | -- | Non-MW. Feeder planet specializing in foodstuff production. |
Preagricultural World | Pa | -- | 456789 | 45678 | 48 | -- | -- | Developing agricultural sector. |
Agricultural World | Ag | -- | 456789 | 45678 | 567 | -- | -- | Significant agricultural sector. |
Garden World | Ga | 678 | 568 | 567 | Any | -- | -- | Paradise or Gaia world. Superlative agricultural sector. |
Agropolis World | None | 9ABC+ | 568 | 567 | 9ABC+ | -- | -- | Dedicated agricultural world. Silver world. |
Probably Planetary Orbit & Climate[edit]
No information yet available.
TC | Inner (-) | HZ-2 | HZ-1 | HZ | HZ+1 | HZ+2 | Outer (+) | Remote & Far Systems | Remarks |
Ag | No | Unlikely | Possible | Yes | Possible | Unlikely | No | No | Ag worlds work best within the HZ, but specialized crops may be possible in more extreme environments especially when of an unconventional life species.
Ga | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | Garden worlds are, by definition, limited to the Habitable Zone, which possesses a temperate climate. |
History & Background / Dossier[edit]
No information yet available.
Worlds & Sectors / Astrography[edit]
This type of world is found throughout Charted Space.
World Listing: 1105[edit]
The following systems and worlds are associated with this world type:
No world articles for Preagricultural World
References & Contributors / Sources[edit]
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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
- Marc Miller. Worlds and Adventures (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), .Marc Miller, Robert Eaglestone, Don McKinney. Worlds and Adventures (Far Future Enterprises, 2019), .
- Marc Miller. Scouts (Game Designers Workshop, 1983), .
- T5: Core rules
- External Link: Beowolf's Libary Data Website dead link
- Author & Contributor: Lord (Marquis) and Master of Sophontology Maksim-Smelchak of the Ministry of Science