Globus class Fleet Replenishment Vessel

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Globus class Fleet Replenishment Vessel
Type: RN Naval Freighter
Category BCS
Size 30,000 Tons
Hull Configuration Close Structure Hull
Streamlining Streamlined Hull
Tech Level TL–15
Computer Model 9/fib
Jump J-4
Maneuver 2 G
Fuel Treatment Scoops, Purifier
Hardpoints 300
Staterooms 221
Crew 189
    Officers 21
    Enlisted 166
    Marines 32
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 10,938 Tons
Fuel tank 13,200 Tons
Origin White Fleet
Cost MCr13,218.980
Universal Ship Profile RN-R4424J3-099909-00000-0
Blueprint No
Illustration No
Canon Unpublished, fan design
Designer Ronald B. Kline Jr.
Design System High Guard
Era 1105
Reference Fan: Ronald B. Kline, Jr.

The Globus class Fleet Replenishment Vessel is an TL–15 auxiliary.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

This class is partially streamlined and has fleet mobility. It is equipped with minimal crew, defensive sand, screens and a repulsor bay to protect more than 10,000tons of precious cargo.

Basic Ship Characteristics[edit]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (of ten craft) carried on the ship. Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (thousands of tons) where necessary. [1]

Basic Ship Characteristics [2]
No. Category Remarks
1. Tonnage 30000 tons.
2. Crew 189 crew.
3. Performance Propulsion:
  • Jump-4
  • Maneuver-2 G acceleration
  • Power Plant-4
  • 1200-EPs
  • Agility-1
4. Electronics Model 9 fib computer.
5. Hardpoints x300 hardpoints.
6. Armament The normal weapons fit-out for it is:
  • No information yet available.
  • No additional information yet available.
7. Defenses One 100ton factor 9 repulsor bay.
  • 290 triple sand caster turrets organized into 29 factor 9 batteries.
8. Craft None carried
9. Fuel Treatment Fuel Scoops and on board fuel purification
10. Cost MCr13,218.980.
11. Construction Time TBD months to build, TBD months in quantity.
12. Comments Used to resupply imperial warships while underway in squadron level operations.
  • Standard cargo capacity amounts to 10,938.0 tons.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The vessel carries two Marine liaison officers, who oversee the handling of supplies and equipment. They typically lead the 30 naval security personnel to repel boarders as needed. Their use of unofficial red velour shirts, which look amazing by-the-way, has been expressly prohibited by the admiralty.

Selected Variant Types & Classes[edit]

13 Representative Freighter (RN) Classes[edit]


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Classic Traveller This ship was originally designed using one of the Classic Traveller ship design rules:
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