Mazirbe (world)

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Mazirbe/Antra (Deneb 2210)
Milieu 1116
StarportD Poor: No Construction, Minor Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics3 Wet World 30%
Population7 Moderate (10 million)
GovernmentA Charismatic Dictator
Law6 Moderate Law (no firearms except shotguns)
Tech Level4 Industrial (combustion)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary F6 V K7 V
Worlds 10
Gas Giants 4
Planetoid Belts 2
Cultural Details
Government Charismatic dictatorship
Law Level Moderate
Cultural Extension 6543
Army Size (BEs) 1000
Economic Details
Technology Level 4
Economic Extension
Labor6Moderate (1 million)
Infrastructure4 Very limited
Importance Extension -2
Resource Units 151
GWP (BCr) 4
World Trade Number 3.5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 57
Starport Details
Classification Class-D
Port Size 2
Building Capacity (Tons) 12,000
Port employees 0
Port passengers (annual) 0

Mazirbe has a scarcity of water and a relatively sparse atmosphere. The system has a population in the 10s of millions of sophonts. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Antra Subsector of Deneb Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Mazirbe, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight, a member of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world.

Mazirbe (world)/Antra (Deneb 2210)
New Era
StarportD Poor: No Construction, Minor Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size5 Medium (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g)
Atmosphere5 Thin
Hydrographics3 Wet World 30%
Population6 Moderate (4 million)
Government8 Civil Service Bureaucracy
Law9 High Law (no weapons out of home)
Tech Level4 Industrial (combustion)
See also UWP
Cultural Details
Government Civil service bureaucracy
Law Level High
Cultural Extension 6443
Army Size (BEs) 100
Economic Details
Technology Level 4
Economic Extension
Labor5Moderate (400 thousand)
Infrastructure3 Very limited
Importance Extension -3
Resource Units 95
GWP (BCr) 0
World Trade Number 3
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 37
Starport Details
Classification Class-D
Port Size 2
Building Capacity (Tons) 2,200
Port employees 0
Port passengers (annual) 0

Era: New Era

Mazirbe has both an unbreathably thin atmosphere and a lack of surface water making habitation by sophonts difficult. The system has a population between 10,000 and 10 million, lacking the industrial base to be completely self-supporting. It is a member of Regency of Deneb in the Antra Subsector of Deneb Sector and in the Regency Frontier. This world contains a Regency Scout Base, capable of handling Scout Service starships and personnel. 50% of the world's population is the Major Race Vargr.

Description (Planetology)

Mazirbe's primary, Teivosun, is an orange giant. Despite being 19.6 AU's away, Mazirbe bakes at an average temperature of 62° Celsius. These harsh climatic conditions ruled out agriculture. In fact, below 45° latitude, no vegetation exists at all. And between 45° and 55° latitude it is only during the winter years that plant life makes any progress. During the summer years, spores and seeds lay dormant, waiting for autumn rains in order to germinate.

Despite the blistering temperatures, 30% of Mazirbe's surface is covered with water. Over the millennia, most bodies of water have proven to be stable above 35° latitude, though exceptions exist. Despite the high salinity of the world's seas, Teivosun evaporates square kilometers of water from them every day. But at night, temperatures drop nearly 44° Celsius! Mazirbe's thin atmosphere can't hold its heat so all the water that evaporated during the day rains back down to the surface at night.

Binary Solar System

Mazirbe Binary Star System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

F6 V

Primary Main Sequence 1.25 6280 - 6350 2.18366
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0063 0.1226 1.36 - 2.36 0.63 6.3
Orbit #  * 0 4 2 6
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

K7 V

Secondary Main Sequence 0.64 3990 - 4100 0.20972
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0029 0.038 0.47 - 0.88 0.29 2.9
Orbit #  *  * 2 0 5

History & Background (Dossier)

Mazirbe wasn't always a backwater world. Mazirbe was initially settled in 315 to serve as a base of operations to take advantage of the system's two asteroid belts. The thinking was to have belters mine the ore from the asteroids and haul the ore to Mazirbe for refining. Transporting the refined ore, as opposed to bulk material, would save on transportation costs. And, for a while, Mazirbe was a prosperous world. Unfortunately, both asteroid belts were mainly composed of carbonaceous asteroids. Although the occasional independent belter still makes a find, the nickel-iron asteroids were mined out in just a couple of centuries, leaving the inhabitants of Mazirbe without a primary export product. Those who could afford to leave did.

For those who stayed behind, a new source of income was desperately needed. It was Mazirbe's climate that proved to be a clue to its source of income. During the summer years, when temperatures are even warmer, huge salt flats lay exposed for dozens of kilometers. Gypsum has become the world's primary export. Although unable to become an agricultural world itself, Mazirbe helps out agricultural worlds by providing them with fertilizers.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of money in salt. Mazirbe's infrastructure continued to decline. It finally stabilized at TL4. Despite this, Mazirbe's inhabitants remained upbeat with their simple existence. Each Presidente del Mazirbe, a dictator elected for life, tended to enjoy a sedentary populace that didn't complain about its predicament. Dissenters, if any, emigrated. As such, law enforcement tended to be moderate.

While the Civil War raged on, life on Mazirbe remained quiet. The only real event that occurred was the Jonkeeren Land Deal, better known locally as "Sand For Suckers." Mazirbe received several million credits from the Domain of Deneb as compensation for the establishment of a Jonkeereen colony within the great equatorial desert. The settlement was small, only 5,000 individuals, but it was land that the natives of Mazirbe thought to be completely useless due to its uninhabitability. El Presidente received praise galore for outwitting the lofty Imperials.

But Fate is fickle. And she is as likely to give, as she is to take away.

When the Quarantine was declared, Mazirbe found itself situated within the Regency Frontier. Although it was an undesirable position, it was livable. But a few years later, the Regency decided that Vargr refugees would be permitted to settle Mazirbe as well. Not just a few thousand, but rather a few hundred thousand. Unlike the Jonkeeren, this new batch of immigrants came without compensation, and they certainly didn't want to live out in the desert. This was too much for the population to bear. They protested loudly. Even El Presidente petitioned the Regency for a redress of grievances. The two sides finally settled on emigration for those within the populace who wanted to leave, with the Regency picking up the tab.

It was another case of "Monkey Flight", as the Vargr call it. 82% of the population bolted for worlds within the Regency interior. Even the government shut itself down and closed up shop. Worried about the potential chaos that could ensue from the power vacuum, the RISS stepped in to administer the world as an interim government. The new government, which grew out of the scout base administration, is simply a civil service bureaucracy. Both Human and Vargr are represented. Jonkeeren don't seem to care too much about the government as legislation is rarely passed that affects life in the desert.

Among the Vargr refugees that came to settle this world are some of the Gvaekuers, a former Kforuz splinter group. A life of mining salt was not palatable to them. And there isn't a Vargr that does who has any sort of charisma to them. These descendants of corsairs despise the Quarantine. Having never lost the corsair spirit, they rail against the restrictions imposed by the RQS and constantly try to break Quarantine. Their ships run out into the Denebian Wilds and Tuglikki, and have been rumored to have even gone as far away as Provence and Corridor. And they're not above firing on RQS ships if they think they can get away with it.

As such, Mazirbe's economy has begun to show a little more life again. Pack money has found it's way into the hands of the general public. Standard of living conditions have shown some improvement. Even members of the human population don't seem to mind what the Gvaekuers are up to as it has come to benefit them as well, via cash used to purchase local goods and services.

The more law-abiding members of society, Vargr and Human alike, have sought an end to this surly behavior. Law enforcement has been beefed up, giving the world its law level rating of 9, but the local tech level leaves few tools at their disposal. The RISS, who never left, lend a hand to try and help root out Gvaekuers smuggling, but for every ship caught at least two more get away.

It is this uncontrolled atmosphere that led to Mazirbe getting passed over for the lucrative Safeside Terminus status. Although Gvaekuers smuggling may boost its economy somewhat, Mazirbe will likely remain a backwater world for some time.

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.