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Imperial Sunburst-Sun-IISS-Traveller.gif
Base Information
Classification Omnivore/gatherer
Status [[Minor Race, Minor Non-Human Race]]
Locomotion Walker (Ambulatory)
Body Form
Confluence Non-humanoid
Size 1.5 meters
Weight 65.0 kg
Social Structure
Technological Epoch
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Kagh'kir (world)
StarportX No Starport
Size0 Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
Atmosphere0 Vacuum
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population0 Barren (0)
Government0 No Government structure
Law0 No Law
Tech Level0 Pre-Industrial (primitive)
Primary Star
Atmosphere Standard
Off-world presence Yes
Zoetic individuals
Reference Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society 21 33-40.
Canon Yes
Also see

[[Category: Minor Race, Minor Non-Human Race]]

The Girug'kagh are a technologically sophisticated sophont species.

Description (Specifications)

The Girug'kagh are a scaled, scavenging omnivore who are now a subject race of the K'kree. Their name is a K'kree term which translates as "the translators", indicating their general role in K'kree society. Their homeworld is Kagh'kir (Ruupiin 2417). The Girug'kagh originally called themselves the Savezitaisoh, and are native to a world they knew as Saviztah, but which the K'kree now call Kagh'kir (Kirarurr!ka 0809 6889(5)(4)-D).


They are roughly humanoid, upright bipeds, homeothermic, standing 1.5 meters tall and 65 kg in weight. They are mostly hairless, with a faint scaling always visible. The hands have long, delicate fingers; the seven digits include three grasping fingers that are mutually opposable to all the other digits, and four shorter, stub­bier, thumb-like members.

History & Background (Dossier)

Girug'kagh history is largely now a story of how the Girug'kagh have been bent to the will of the Two Thousand Worlds.

Girug'kagh Evolutionary History

The Girug'kagh are descended from omnivore/gatherer stock which lived on the coastal plains of their homeworld. They developed intelligence in the face of changing climate and an increased competition for food collected from shoreline tidal pools and the nests of bur­rowing animals which dwelt along the coastal cliffs. Cooperation proved essential in the face of threats from several species of amphibian or shore dwelling carnivores, and the combination of intelligence and group cooperation led eventually to the rise of civilization.

Girug'kagh Under K'kree Domination

The race had attained a tech level of 2 when the K'kree first came across them. They were only the third non-K'kree race to be contacted by the militant vegetarians of Kirur. The K'kree interdicted the world for quite some time, while a debate over the fate of the newly discovered primitives was held. It was eventually decided that there was some hope that the Girug'kagh, who foraged for such food as they could find and had already developed a flourishing agricultural base, might not need to be destroyed as meat-eaters, and the K'kree offered them the option of adopting new ways or facing certain destruction at the hand of their technological superiors.

To the primitive Girug'kagh of that time, the K'kree were little short of gods. It is doubtful that they understood what was being asked of them at the time, but K'kree dictates on diet, conduct and other modifications in culture were accepted as teachings from heaven, and widely embraced (a similar development can be seen in "cargo" cults of Melanesia, on Terra). Those who failed to adapt to the new ways gradually died away in the course of several generations of planetary development under the guidance of K'kree governors.

K'kree Subject Status

The Girug'kagh were eventually deemed ready to enter the mainstream of society in the Two Thousand Worlds, and were granted full subject status nearly four thousand years ago. Subject status conferred a limited autonomy self-rule, the right to travel to other worlds and be visited by K'kree ships and/or those of other subject races, and so forth.

By this time, the race had evolved a culture which was highly artificial, forced upon it from above rather than naturally developed from within. A certain degree of cultural shock had left the Girug'kagh unable to realize their original potential as a civilized people.

Society & Culture

There are few remnants now of the pre-K'kree ways of the Girug'kagh. Most social customs have arisen out of the K'kree dominance. Vegetarianism, of course, is the most essential part of life.

Girug'kagh Psychology

Equally, the Girug'kagh feel a superiority over other non-K'kree races. They were the first race to attain full subject status, and consider themselves to be a sort of next step down in an inter­racial caste structure. The K'kree nobles, merchants, and servants come first, then the Girug'kagh, and then the rest of the universe.

Many of the race's institutions are colored by this opinion, and the most honorable career to undertake is that of underservant to a K'kree group.

Girug'kagh "Translator-s­cum-servants"

The Girug'kagh are often found as translators and intermediaries among the K'kree, particularly those K'kree who must deal outside the Two Thousand Worlds. Less easily offended by the smell of meat-eating outsiders, and more capable of racial tolerance and enclosed spaces than their masters, they frequently are very useful at conducting negotiations and other functions requiring close contact between K'kree and outsiders.

Social Organization

The K'kree-imposed government and social system is a loose caste system.

Rules, services, and various other functions are litigated by a guild structure which, though not completely dependent upon birth, does tend to limit social mobility.

One of their few links with the past and a point of great pride to the Savezitaisoh people is the practice of scale Dying, in which Girug'kagh dye their scales in various colors to indicate rank and status through patterns of different sorts.

Physically, the race is undistinguished; mentally they seem subservient, easily cowed, and almost totally without spirit. Some have gone so far as to describe them as a slave race.

Image Repository

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This race (sophont species) is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:

Homeworld: 1105

The homeworld of this race (sophontic species) is:

World Listing: 1105

Significant communities of this race (sophont species) are known to dwell within the following systems and worlds:

1 of 1 World articles in Girug'kagh
Kagh'kir  •  
startbacknext(1 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.

Government & Law

Within the bounds of the Two Thousand Worlds, there are a number of races subject to the K'kree. Such races are collectively known as kr'rrir -literally "Subjects" -and have been forced to adapt their cultures to conform to standards imposed by their K'kree overlords. One such race is commonly known as the Girug'kagh, the name applied to them by the K'kree.

Second-class Citizens

The Girug'kagh have been instilled with an absolute conviction that they are second-class citizens, utterly inferior in all things to their K'kree overlords. A Human missionary from the Imperium attempted once to persuade these people to strike off their chains and realize that they were as good as anyone else, and was not only unsuccessful but deported for his efforts; the Girug'kagh simply could not accept the idea that they were not naturally intended as servants to the K'kree. Though they no longer regard their masters as gods, there is still an intense feeling of awe and reverence characterizing all of their attitudes towards the K'kree.

K'kree-imposed Government

The Girug'kagh government is a curious amalgamation of pre-contact structure and K'kree-imposed concepts.

The K'kree-imposed government and social system is a loose caste system, in which a hereditary nobility (originally a "priesthood" selected to deal with the K'kree because they were the first who were willing to embrace vegetarianism and obey the K'kree in all things).

Rules, services, and various other functions are ligislated by a guild structure which, though not completely dependent upon birth, does tend to limit social mobility. The only exception to the generally stagnant guild structure is the ability of anyone to volunteer for training to serve the K'kree as translator-s­cum-servants.


The Girug'kagh language is all but dead (though there has been, over the past century or so, a definite effort to revive the old tongue and keep it-and the native literature and poetry it was used for-from passing away forever).


Very little is known about how the Girug'kagh form a calendar or mark the passing of time although it is assumed that the Girug'kagh calendar is based upon the planetary rotation of their homeworld, Kagh'kir (Ruupiin 2417).

Technology & Trade

The Girug'kagh no longer conduct scientific research officially and are limited to the technology that their K'kree overlords allow them.

Secretly, small groups of Girug'kagh are learning science and even communicating with non-K'kree approved sophonts.

The Girug'kagh conduct no trade, unless approved by their K'kree minders.


There is no true military. The K'kree provide defense from space, and the closest thing to a military is the Proctor's Guild, which is more a police force than anything else.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This race (sophont species) is primarily located in the following areas:

Homeworld: 1105

The homeworld of this sophont species is:

World Listing: 1105

The following systems and worlds can be found within this area:

1 of 1 World articles in Girug'kagh
Kagh'kir  •  
startbacknext(1 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.