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Base Information
Classification Omnivore/gatherer
Status Minor Race
Locomotion Walker
Body Form
Confluence humanoid
Bio-Identenoid Alien
Languages Native LanguageRaxkiir
Social Structure Balkanization
Technological Epoch TL:13-15
Psionic potential Standard
Origin World
Homeworld location Urrar (Ruupiin 0212)
StarportA Excellent: Starship Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel
Size7 Medium (11,200 km, 0.70g - 0.94g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
PopulationA High (A0 billion)
Government7 Balkanization
Law7 Moderate Law (no firearms)
Tech LevelD Average Stellar (holo data)
Primary Star
Atmosphere Standard
Off-world presence Yes
Zoetic individuals Yes
Reference T5 Second Survey - [T]
Canon Yes
Also see

The Ciruwar of Urrar (Ruupiin 0212) are a Minor Non-Human Race with a somewhat humanoid appearance and are technologically advanced sophonts.

Description (Specifications)

The Ciruwar are a bipedal, warm-blooded race with long, thin limbs, a low-set pear shaped body, and a long funnel-shaped head suited to probing the colonies of their favorite food: the local equivalent of insects. They are naturally insectivorous but are not obligated to do so, and are, insects aside, almost entirely herbivorous.

History & Background (Dossier)

The Ciruwar have an extensive history of bucolic rural existence, gradual industrialization, and a penchant for long, intractable, bloody wars. They have traditionally farmed a variety of fruits and vegetables, and raise, in the still-fertile parts of their homeworld, several types of domestic animal for labor and byproducts.

Their history of warfare has led to at least one nuclear exchange which left parts of their world uninhabitable. In a period of recovery, this cycle was to be interrupted by the arrival of other beings from space: the K'kree.

The Ciruwar were an early contact by the expanding K'kree, as they were located a little over a subsector to spinward from Kirur. Their diet of insects and insect byproducts was disturbing to the K'kree, who contacted the largest city of the Ciruwar and issued their Mandate: abandon the eating of meat and join us, or be destroyed. The Ciruwar agreed on general principal, and the K'kree fleet moved on, replaced by cultural missions and more veiled threats.

The K'kree who landed were confused by the absence of any artifacts of prior meat eating, and in particular the odors they knew were associated with the foul practice. When the Ciruwar explained that they only ate bugs and were already vegetarian otherwise, the K'kree in charge of their integration became more sympathetic. As farmers themselves, the K'kree disliked most insects, and by a happy accident of biology, the insects of Urrar and the digestion of the Ciruwar did not produce the chemical odors of death the K'kree reacted so violently to.

Urrar did, however, produce foodstuffs that were pleasing to the K'kree, and commerce both with Kirur and to the fleets became an early point of common interest. The Herd Patriarchs set to oversee the Ciruwar struck deals with the leaders of the Ciruwar, and while they were not allowed off their planet for many years, the Ciruwar became one of the earliest useful clients of the K'kree.

The Ciruwar emerged from their homeworld slowly at first, as the K'kree were not certain what role they wanted to allow the Ciruwar to play. Intelligent, curious, and gregarious, the Ciruwar were absorbing every technological advance the K'kree revealed, and were taking some of what they learned in directions the K'kree were unlikely to, broadening the K'kree technology base. While behind the other early K'kree client, the Girug'kagh, by a century or more, the Ciruwar were still one of the first K'kree clients to step into space on their own ships.

All early Ciruwar ships were cargo vessels, created to expedite trade under the direction of their patron Steppelords without the necessary crew overhead K'kree ships required. Placed under the same ship building limit as the Girug'kagh, the Ciruwar initially declined to arm their ships at all. That would change as they began to explore beyond the control of the K'kree, or found that landing on some worlds required making your own landing spot.

While the K'kree Crusade swept across space looking for trouble, the Ciruwar were quite often the second visitors to systems the K'kree had passed through. After incidents involving K'kree unfamiliar with the Ciruwar, they consciously limited their excursions to the region of the Crusade to coreward and spinward of Kirur, stopping at the Rift. Their example would lead to other compatible client races filling a similar role in the other quarters of K'kree space.

After the Hiver/K'kree War and the establishment of defined borders and external K'kree client states, the Ciruwar continued to ply their preferred spacelanes as merchants and shippers, as well as providing maintenance worker services. While they still keep most of their shipping activities in the same part of K'kree space as before, Ciruwar technical workers can be found nearly anywhere in or near the Two Thousand Worlds.


This race is primarily located in the following areas:
Charted Space:


The homeworld of this race is:

World Listing: 1105

Significant communities of this race are known to exist within the following systems and worlds:

No world articles for Ciruwar

References & Contributors (Sources)

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