Asharias (world)

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Asharias/Loran (Halcyon 1920)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
AtmosphereB Exotic (corrosive)
Hydrographics3 Wet World 30%
Population3 Low (1 thousand)
Government1 Company/Corporation
Law2 Low Law (no energy weapons)
Tech Level8 Pre-Stellar (superconductors)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary F7 V
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 3

Asharias is a low-population fluid world with a population less than 10,000 sophonts in population size.

Astrography and Planetology[edit]

This star system is detailed using the Fringian Variant System Description.

Monostellar System[edit]

Asharias Monostellar System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

F7 V

Primary Main Sequence 1.21 6180 - 6280 1.94872
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0062 0.1158 1.29 - 2.24 0.62 6.2
Orbit #  * 0 4 2 6

System Data[edit]

Complest-Asharias System[edit]

The primary is Complest, an ordinary yellow-white main sequence star with a luminosity of 2.584 Sols, a mass of 1.196 Sols, and a diameter of 1.742 million km. The inner system consists of (I) a vacuum worldlet, (II) a trace atmosphere inner world, (III) a corrosive atmosphere inferno world, and (IV) a very thin atmosphere hospitable world. (V) a dense atmosphere stormworld orbits within the habitable zone. (VI) Asharias, designated the mainworld, (VII) a dense stony planetoid belt, (VIII) a small gas giant, (IX) a ringed large gas giant, (X) a sparse icy planetoid belt, and (XI) a small ice giant form the outer system. Many of the worlds retain satellites.

Mainworld Data[edit]

(VI) Asharias[edit]

(VI) Asharias is designated the mainworld. It orbits Complest at a mean distance of 2.92 AU (436.8 million km), within the outer system. It has an orbital period of 4 years 206 days and a rotation period of 28.5 hours. The axial tilt is 31 degrees. Asharias has a diameter of 9,937 km, a density of 5.74 g/cm³, and a surface gravity of 0.81 G. The world is geologically active. Its atmosphere is rated as Corrosive, with a mean surface pressure of 75.8 bar and a composition of 92% carbon dioxide (CO2), 6% nitrogen (N2), 1% azane (NH3), and 1% sulfur dioxide (SO2), argon (Ar), carbon monoxide (CO), neon (Ne), hydrogen (H2), helium (He) and other trace gases. Approximately 26% of the surface is covered in seas of liquid hydrocarbons (principally methane, butane, and propane) kept fluid by the extreme atmospheric pressure and low temperatures: average tidal ranges exceed 0.3m. Mean surface temperature: -58°C. The atmosphere is dynamic and strong weather systems driven by the star and the seas sweep across the globe. The climate is seasonal.


Asharias retains a single natural satellite, a corrosive atmosphere inferno world named Ranor:

(VIa) Ranor (UWP Y4B0000-0, orbiting at 11 Diameters/110,000 km)

Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]

Total surface area: 310 million km², Land surface area: 236 million km², Fluid surface area: 74 million km².

Native Lifeforms[edit]

No world in the Asharias system is known to have native life.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

World starport[edit]

Asharias has a Class C Starport, an average quality installation which includes amenities including unrefined fuel for starships, some brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing maintenance and other kinds of repair. Ports of this classification generally have only a downport, unless this is a trade port or system with an hostile environment mainworld.

World technology level[edit]

Asharias possesses a Technology Level of TL–8.

  • Common Communication technologies for this TL include: Fiber optics, improved telephones, and satellite communication and data networks.
  • Common Power Generation technologies for this TL include: Improved geothermal and improved batteries.
  • Common Transportation technologies for this TL include:
    • Land: Advanced automobiles.
    • Water: Triphibians and early artificial gills.
    • Air: Improved helicopters and hypersonic jets.
    • Space: Space shuttles, early space stations, and improved interplanetary spacecraft (System Craft).

World government[edit]

Asharias is governed by a Corporate Polity with a single corporation with a typical corporate structure as a government. A company town, or world. The typical corporate run world usually has a single purpose. Examples include mining, agriculture, or other kinds of resource extraction. But rather than a simple base of operations, there are facilities for housing workers and their families including hospitals, schools, and other infrastructure. How, or if, the children of the workers are incorporated into the workforce varies with companies. The corporation running the world may be a subsidiary of a larger interstellar corporation.

World military[edit]

No information yet available.

World economy[edit]

No information yet available.

Trade data[edit]

No information yet available.

World demographics[edit]

Population 1,000

World culture[edit]

No information yet available.

Historical data[edit]

No information yet available.

World timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

UWP listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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