Lydia (world)

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Lydia/Glisten (Spinward Marches 1733)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size3 Small (4,800 km, 0.24g - 0.34g)
Atmosphere1 Vacuum (trace)
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population4 Moderate (90 thousand)
Government3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law0 No Law
Tech Level6 Pre-Stellar (nuclear)
Hard Times (1130)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size3 Small (4,800 km, 0.24g - 0.34g)
Atmosphere1 Vacuum (trace)
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population4 Moderate (90 thousand)
Government3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law0 No Law
Tech Level6 Pre-Stellar (nuclear)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M4 III M0 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 2

Lydia is a nonindustrial world, that requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society.

  • In a technological universe, societies without industrial capability generally suffer as nearly all manufactured and high tech goods must be brought in at significant cost.
  • As a nonindustrial world, it requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. The need to import most manufactured and high technology goods drives the price of these goods up in the open market.
  • It is a member of the Third Imperium in the Glisten Subsector of Spinward Marches Sector in the Domain of Deneb.

Description (Planetology)

The whole population of Lydia live in a single natural cavern, surviving on hand-made life support machinery. The largest living thing on the surface is the Akenplant, a cactus like growth surviving on the surface. The roots of the Akenplant can split rocks to enable the plant to survive in unlikely places, a trait exploited by the locals.

  • TL–6 is barely sufficient to maintain the colony domes in the trace atmosphere.

Binary Solar System

Lydia Binary Star System
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)


Primary Giant 7.18 2100 - 3000 1918
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 1.81446 3.63253 34.82 - 56.75 181.446 1814.46
Orbit # 4 5 9 11 14
Star Name Hierarchy Category Mass (Sol) Temp (K) Luminosity (Sol)

M0 V

Secondary Main Sequence 0.57 3770 - 3850 0.13982
Unit Diameter Min Distance Hab Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0027 0.031 0.39 - 0.74 0.27 2.7
Orbit #  *  * 2 0 5

History & Background (Dossier)

A non-industrial world located in the Glisten Subsector of the Spinward Marches.

Formerly a mining colony founded to exploit massive quantities of silver, it has been on the decline since the silver gave out around 1020. ConTech closed the starport in 1035, and most of the population emigrated. The remainder are expert garbage pickers--a fair amount of useful salvage at TL–12 remains from the mining operation, enough that free traders occasionally call to pick up the junk.

References & Contributors (Sources)

JTAS-Online-smlogo.jpg A campaign setting detailing the District 268, Glisten, Egyrn, and Pax Rulin subsectors in the year 400 plus an adventure for the setting were published in JTAS Online. You need to be a subscriber to see it. You can find the setting here (players' information) and here (GM's information), and the adventure here.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.