Ravar (world)

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Ravar/Murada (Halcyon 0701)
Classic Era (1116)
Starport? Error in Starport Decode
Size2 Small (3,200 km, 0.10g - 0.17g)
Atmosphere0 Vacuum
Hydrographics1 Dry World 10%
Population? Error in Population Decode
Government? Error in Government Decode
Law? Error in Law Decode
Tech Level? Error in Tech Decode
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M0 V BD
Planetoid Belts 1
Gas Giants 3
Jump map from Travellermap.com [1]


Astrography and Planetology[edit]

This star system is detailed using the Fringian Variant System Description.

Binary Solar System

Ravar Binary Star System
Solitary M Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
M0 V Main Sequence 0.57 3770 - 3850 0.13982
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0055 0.031 0.39 - 0.74 0.55 5.5
Orbit #  *  * 2 1 6
Solitary BD Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
BD Brown Dwarf 0.0276 950 - 1250 0
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.00092 0.00038 0 - 0.01 0.092 0.92
Orbit #  *  *  *  * 3
Remarks 1,430 AU from primary

System Data[edit]

Busu-Ravar System[edit]

The primary is Busu, an ordinary red main sequence star. It has a luminosity of 0.04 Sols, a mass of 0.489 Sols, and a diameter of 764,000 km. (I-I) an exotic atmosphere radworld, and (I-II) Ravar, designated the mainworld, have a shared orbit within the habitable zone. (II) a trace atmosphere worldlet, (III) a large gas giant, (IV) a ringed large gas giant, and (V) a small gas giant form the outer system. Many of the worlds retain satellites.

Lorix Subsystem[edit]

The companion is Lorix, a magenta-coloured L-type brown dwarf lying approximately 1,430 AU from Busu. It is not luminous, it has a mass of 0.062 Sols and a diameter of 60,000 km. (I) a sparse icy planetoid belt forms its outer system.

Mainworld Data[edit]

(I-II) Ravar[edit]

(I-II) Ravar is designated the mainworld. It orbits Busu at a mean distance of 0.28 AU (41.9 million km), just within the habitable zone. It has an orbital period of 77 days 9 hours: it is tidally locked to Busu. The axial tilt is 2 degrees. Ravar has a diameter of 3,299 km, a density of 3.72 g/cm³, and a surface gravity of 0.17 G. Tidal stresses generated by the gravitational pull of Busu cause frequent geological activity. Its atmosphere is rated as Vacuum. Approximately 7% of the surface is covered in sheets of water-ice. Mean surface temperature: -34°C.

Mainworld Geography and Topography[edit]

Total surface area: 34.2 million km², Land surface area: 31.8 million km², Ice surface area: 2.4 million km². Ravar is a Twilight Zone World. Most of the ice sheets are concentrated on the dark face of the world.

  • The world experiences libration, which causes the star to move in the sky and periodically rise and fall above the horizon in the Twilight region.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

No world in the Ravar system is known to have native life.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The Ravar system has been studied by the Local Astrographical Survey Project, a part of the Astronomy Department of the University of Selasia.

World starport[edit]

Ravar has no listed Starport data.

World technology level[edit]

Ravar has no listed Technology Level data.

World government[edit]

Ravar has no listed Government data.

World military[edit]

No information yet available.

World economy[edit]

No information yet available.

Trade data[edit]

No information yet available.

World demographics[edit]

Ravar has no listed Population data.

World culture[edit]

No information yet available.

Historical data[edit]

No information yet available.

World timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

UWP listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

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