Jaeyelya Planetary Development Fund
As a part of the plan to compensate the Ael Yael for corporate exploitation of their world, the Imperial government established the Jaeyelya Planetary Development Fund LIC.
- It primarily operates within Charted Space.
Market Ticker Code[edit]
This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:
Market Ticker Code Name Code Type Charter Remarks Jaeyela Planetary Development Fund TBD 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LIC Development corporation.
Description (Portfolio)[edit]
The Jaeyelya Planetary Development Fund LIC is financed by Jaeyelya's considerable mineral wealth and contributions by Ael Yael employed offworld. The Fund provides a wide variety of services for the planet and the Ael Yael. These include health care, education, housing, and ecological management. As a result, the Fund wields enormous power on Jaeyelya and over Ael Yael life on other colonies as well.
Commercial Competencies[edit]
Planetary Development Fund.
Governance & Organization[edit]
Since the Fund wields enormous power on Jaeyelya and over Ael Yael life generally, it is a well regulated entity. The fund has considerable direct Imperial oversight as a result of the history of the exploitation of the Ael Yael and their homeworld. In addition to a Board of Directors which represents the interests of the stockholders, there is a Board of Elders comprised of elder Ael Yael living on Jaeyelya.
No information yet available.
Stock ownership (1116):[edit]
- Imperial Family - 51%
- Zirunkariish - 20%
- Hortalez et Cie - 20%
- Private Ael Yael shareholders - 9%
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
No information yet available.
Trade Partners[edit]
No information yet available.
Trade Competitors[edit]
- McAteer Mining LIC - The Fund, since its founding, has sought multiple legal and commercial remedies against McAteer Mining, and its stockholders and subsidiaries, as reparations for the damage done by them to the Ael Yael and Jaeyelya.
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This business is primarily known to operate out of the following locations:
- Jaeyelya: The fund is headquartered on the planet.
World Listing: 1116[edit]
References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]
- Steve Jackson, Loren Wiseman. Alien Races 4 (Steve Jackson Games, 2001), .