Hiver Name

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Hiver Names: Each Hiver has several names, one used only in its nest, and one or more for use with other races.

  • A yearling is assigned a nest name when it is adopted by a nest, and keeps that name for the remainder of its life, even when it goes to another nest. These names are never revealed to non-Hivers, and are seldom revealed to non-nest members.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Each Hiver chooses several names for dealings outside the nest, one in Gurvin for use with non-nest-member Hivers; and one for each race the Hiver has dealings with (normally a single word, sometimes two, rarely three or more).

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Hivers often devote great care to the selection of their names, and most try to choose one that has relevance to their occupation: others simply choose a name at random. A merchant dealing with Solomani might choose to be called Marco Polo or Fugger. A Hiver traveling in the Imperium to study human history might choose Herodotus or Toynbee: a botanist might choose Linnaeus or Rosebud.

It is common for a Hiver to use several names for dealing with different races or linguistic groups. A Hiver known as Kigiisii to Vilani might choose to be called Sherman to Anglic speakers and Helmut to Swordic speakers.

Characters from Hiver history will be assigned names where necessary. Sometimes these names will be relevant, sometimes not (M. Primus and M. Eneri are two examples of the latter). This is done by whatever nest translates a document first.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.