Ghuenazueghz (world)/data
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Milieu 1116
Ghuenazueghz vs. Ghuenazueghz (world) -> Ghuenazueghz/Thoeg (Knoellighz 1827)
Starport | C | Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel |
Size | 9 | Large (14,400 km, 1.03g - 1.33g) |
Atmosphere | 8 | Dense |
Hydrographics | 5 | Wet World 50% |
Population | 5 | Moderate (900 thousand) |
Government | 2 | Participating Democracy |
Law | 1 | Low Law (no explosives, poison gas) |
Tech Level | 5 | Industrial (mass production) |
Universal World Profile Data:
System Details
- G8 V with Worlds: 12
- Travel Zone: -
- Population Multiplier: 9
- Belts: 2
- Giants: 4
Trade Codes
- Trade Codes: Ag,Ni,Pr
- Planetary code (pCode):
- Detail Codes:
- Sophonts:
- Bases: -
Cultural Details
Cultural Extension (Cx): 5444
- Army: 3
- Allegiance: VAsP
- Nobility:
Economic Details
- Economic Extension (Ex): 742+0
- Importance Extension (Ix): -1
- Resource Units (RU): 1
- Gross World Product (GWP in MCr): 0
- World Trade Number (WTN): 6
- Trade Volume (MCr/year): 18
Starport Details
- Port Size 2
- Building Capacity (Tons) 0
- Port employees 0
- Port Passengers (annual) 0