Egvaegh (world)/data
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Milieu 1116
Egvaegh vs. Egvaegh (world) -> Egvaegh/Oguegh (Knoellighz 1713)
Starport | B | Good: Spacecraft Construction, Overhaul, Refined fuel |
Size | 1 | Small (1,600 km, 0.05g - 0.09g) |
Atmosphere | 0 | Vacuum |
Hydrographics | 0 | Desert World 0% |
Population | 7 | Moderate (10 million) |
Government | C | Charismatic Oligarchy |
Law | 8 | High Law (controlled blades) |
Tech Level | 9 | Early Stellar (fusion) |
Universal World Profile Data:
System Details
- F2 V,D with Worlds: 7
- Travel Zone: -
- Population Multiplier: 1
- Belts: 0
- Giants: 1
Trade Codes
- Trade Codes: Na,Pi,Va
- Planetary code (pCode): Va
- Detail Codes:
- Sophonts:
- Bases: -
Cultural Details
Cultural Extension (Cx): 586A
- Army: 15
- Allegiance: VDeG
- Nobility:
Economic Details
- Economic Extension (Ex): 565-2
- Importance Extension (Ix): 1
- Resource Units (RU): 1
- Gross World Product (GWP in MCr): 29
- World Trade Number (WTN): 9
- Trade Volume (MCr/year): 933
Starport Details
- Port Size 4
- Building Capacity (Tons) 12,000
- Port employees 425
- Port Passengers (annual) 23,400