Campaign:BTC/Avors Outuerzkhofug

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Vargr leader of the Aegzagangnthoegngvang

Description (Character)[edit]

The DFS Aegzagangnthoegngvang was a liner (ex Tukera Lines) that became a Troop Transport for the Dzarrgh Federate. Captain Avors Outuerzkhofug was appointed as it's Commander and became the leader of the small squadron of transport and ground attack vessels attached to it.

The captain is an ambitious, but cautious leader - willing to take risks to gain sufficient reward but not ready to sacrifice troops for no gain. He is consequently well liked by his rank-and-file.

History & Background (Biography)[edit]

In 1135 the Avors became concerned that the Dzarrgh Federate wasn't taking the rumours of Virus seriously, and formed a coalition to relocate the units dependents to a safe, out of the way world. They picked Wyn as this was being abandoned by the Regency. They moved to Wyn in late 1137 (pretty much on the heels of the 61st Fleets evacuating the planet) and then used their ships to try and dominate the neighbouring worlds and capture their resources for Wyn's benefit. As at 1138 they also held Hammand and are raiding Gabrael.

Agovoull Outuerzkhofug was Avors daughter, but she was killed by laser-fire from the RSS Makhangam in the closing days of 1137.

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