Cain Technical Support and Logistics
Cain Technical Support and Logistics Inc. is a corporation operating out of Spinward Marches Sector.
Market Ticker Code[edit]
This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:
Market Ticker Code Name Code Type Charter Remarks Cain Technical Support and Logistics CTSL 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LIC None
Description (Portfolio)[edit]
CTSL inc. Is the official name of a mercenary unit working in the Spinward Marches. The company is commanded by Colonel Draco Cain. Cain was a Sergeant in the Imperial Army who received a dishonorable discharge.
He inherited command of the company when the original owner was killed in an air raft crash at the end of a successful operation. Since he assumed command the unit has earned a reputation for brutality and dirty operations.
As of circa 1100 the team was 24 men and women organized into four 6 person squads equipped with one wheeled ATV per squad. They wear cloth armor and carry slug thrower weapons. They depend on contractors to provide transportation between worlds.
Stock ownership: 1105
- Majority: Sternmetal Horizons LIC
History & Background (Dossier)[edit]
No information yet available.
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
- No information yet available
Facilities Data: 1105[edit]
This business is known to host facilities in the following locations:
- No information yet available
Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]
This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Charted Space:
World Listing[edit]
This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:
References & Contributors[edit]
- Khan Trav as part of Trouble in the Spinward Marches (CT) Play By Email Campaign