Mortall Brothers

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Mortall Brothers.jpg

Mortall Brothers Ltd is a large corporation of the Distant Fringe.

Market Ticker Code[edit]

This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:

Market Ticker Code
Name Code Type Charter Remarks
Mortall Brothers MoBr-Engy-Corp 4 to 12 alphanumeric character Ltd. None

Description (Portfolio)[edit]

Mortall Brothers is considered to be a part of the Utilities, Waste, and Energy Business Sector. Its area of operations is primary within the Firstworlds, though it provides services throughout the coreward half of Far Home Sector.

Commercial Competencies[edit]

  • Breakdown and recycling.
  • Civil, commercial and industrial cleansing services.
  • Infestation removal.
  • Decontamination and deep cleaning procedures.
  • Waste processing procedures.
  • Protected storage of waste products.
  • Mortuary facilities and respectful disposal of the deceased.

Governance & Organization[edit]

Mortall Brothers is governed by a Chairman and a Board of Directors. It is run by a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officers and Department Heads. It has an extensive Records Department, an Audit Office, a Legal Department, a Customer Service Center, a Sophont Resources Department, a Public Relations Office, a Finance Department, and a Security Department.

Head Office:[edit]

The head office is located on Tal Varisa, the capital of the Firstworlds and a major commercial and industrial center of the Distant Fringe. As well as the main administrative complexes its headquarters includes a corporate retreat and spa complex, a number of executive villas, and large private estates with associated recreational facilities where business may be undertaken in complete privacy. The company controls a private spaceport facility on the world.

  • The company maintains Regional Head Offices on other important worlds in the region.

Major Divisions:[edit]

  • Support Services
  • Civil Operations Division
  • Commercial Operations Division
  • Strategic Salvage Division
  • Biohazard Unit


Stock ownership:


Notable Investments[edit]

  • Green Moon (a multi-world agricombine): 12% stock ownership.

Corporate Holdings[edit]

Mortall Brothers operates multiple recycling centers, processing facilities, bio-organic facilities, treatment plants and reclamation units, along with the equipment, machinery, vehicles and technology necessary to maintain operations. It has sole ownership of a number of outer system worlds and satellites within member systems of the Firstworlds. It owns and maintains a large number of cemeteries and burial grounds in areas of outstanding natural beauty, with considerable real estate value. It has a corporate fleet of small, elegantly appointed passenger vessels.

Mortall Brothers maintains commercial offices in many large urban areas.

Best Known Products & Services[edit]

This business is best known for:

  1. TBD

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

The corporation was founded by the Mortall Brothers, Jakob and Ignatius, during the 48th century.

Trade Partners[edit]

  • Green Moon. A multi-world agricombine that specialises in arable farming. It purchases large quantities of organic waste-derived fertilisers.

Trade Competitors[edit]

No information yet available.

Corporate Timeline[edit]

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)[edit]

This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Uncharted Space - Distant Fringe:

Facilities Data[edit]

This business is known to host major facilities in the following locations:

World Listing[edit]

This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:

No world articles for Mortall Brothers

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.