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MagnetoDynamics is a well-known mining company.

Market Ticker Code

This business entity is traded under the following interstellar market code/s:

Market Ticker Code
Name Code Type Charter Remarks
MagnetoDynamics TBD 4 to 12 alphanumeric character LIC None

Description (Portfolio)

The corporation holds several patents for the recovery of precious and heavy metals from atmospheric and oceanic suspension, and originally obtained its position on Fulacin for the use of these properties.

Commercial Competencies

  • Mining (Resource Extraction)
    • Exotic Environment
    • Resource Processing
    • World (Planetary: Conventional)

Governance & Organization

No information yet available.


No information yet available.


Stock ownership (1105):
Stock ownership in the company is divided approximately as follows:

Best Known Products & Services

This business is best known for:

  1. TBD

History & Background (Dossier)

Established in 1040 with an Imperial charter and a mineral exploitation grant for Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613 A674210-D).

  • Following the severe economic downturn associated with the False War (1082 to 1084), the company encountered a cash slowdown, and suspended operations for a period. In 1089, an influx of capital allowed the company to resume operations. In partial support of this new era, the company also established a large starport facility (currently typed as class A, minus) with construction and overhaul facilities to 10,000 tons. Completed in 1099.
  • The starport facility, envisioned as ultimately supporting mineral export traffic, has served an interim purpose of supporting (through landing fees and other income) the on-going survey of the world for ultimate exploitation.
  • MagnetoDynamics' exploitation grant expires in 1199, with a renewability clause for an additional 100 years upon demonstration of efficient and profitable operations.

Trade Partners

No information yet available.

Trade Competitors

No information yet available.

Corporate Timeline

No information yet available.

Worlds & Sectors (Astrography)

This business is best known for frequenting the markets of the following worlds and systems:
Charted Space:

Facilities Data

This business is known to host facilities in the following locations:

World Listing

This business can be found on the following worlds and systems:

1 of 1 World articles in MagnetoDynamics
Fulacin  •  
startbacknext(1 listed)

References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.