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Lifeforms are the "non-intelligent" creatures, monsters, and beasts found throughout Charted Space. (i.e. creatures are non-sophontic lifeforms, who do not use technology)

Description (Specifications)

A Lifeform is any type of Life, whether baryonic (based on conventional matter) or otherwise. A Creature is a type of Lifeform considered to be comprehensibly graspable, usually of conventional "wet life" or unconventional "dry life" varieties. Exotic lifeforms tend to simply be called Lifeforms despite the fact that the term Creature might also apply.

  • Life is the tendency of matter to seek order and form self-reproducing complexity.
  • A lifeform can be any kind of life, conventional or unconventional.

World Descriptions

For simplicity, within world descriptions lifeforms are classified as Primitive, Abundant, or Exotic.

  • Primitive Life might consist of cyanobacteria-parallels, microscopic single-cell or multi-cell organisms, bacteria, or organic slimes and jellies, as well as more advanced forms such as fungi-parallels, plants and flora like lichens or mosses, or simple creatures such as sponges or worms. Primitive life can be quite large or may create complex structures (such as parallels to stromatolites or coral). For the most part, primitive life is typically only capable of position, motion, and irritability (some kind of reaction to external stimuli), and as such may sometimes be termed "pseudo-life".
  • Abundant Life is considered to be large multi-cellular organisms of all kinds bearing all the hallmarks of life, living in and exploiting complex ecosystems that utilize every available ecological niche. They are able to interact with and even significantly change their surroundings. Most (but by no means all) creatures found throughout Charted Space originate from worlds with abundant life.
  • Exotic Life can properly be called lifeforms, but are usually more exactingly known as something else. The terms A-life or pseudo life are often used for non-baryonic lifeforms.

Definition of Life

Almost all definitions of Life are based upon the five fundamental hallmarks of life: "Life is any lifeform or organism, which displays the following biological processes: organization, irritability, metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation." There is clearly some grey area within this definition. Lifeforms not displaying all of the processes are classified as Pseudo-life or A-life.

  1. Organization
  2. Irritability
  3. Metabolism
  4. Reproduction
  5. Adaptation

Hierarchy of Life

  • Biosphere > Biome > Ecosystem > Biocenosis > Population > Organism > Organ system > Organ > Tissue > Cell > Organelle > Biomolecular complex > Macromolecule > Biomolecule

Hallmarks of Life

All life, according to conventional definition, holds five properties or fundamental hallmarks and their metasystemic associations:

  • 1. Position (Motion)
  • 2. Motion (Irritability)
  • 3. Irritability (Reflex)
  • 4. Reflex (Association)
  • 5. Association (Thought)
  • 6. Thought (Culture)

One additional hallmark is held by the advanced life known as sophonts:

Evolutionary Quanta

Technological Overview:

Biological Overview:

Creatures, Intelligence & Technology

And, by non-intelligent, what is really meant is a non-user of advanced technology. Some creatures are certainly intelligent on the level of animal (creature) cognizance (...or ethology), but not on the level of advanced technology-using sophonts. This is all a matter of subjective dispute though.

Creatures differ from the minor and major races (...of sophonts) in that they are not fully sentient or sapient (i.e. creatures are not sophonts). Some creatures may display some attributes of sentience or sapience, but lack enough of these attributes to be fully qualified as sophonts. This is also a highly subjective matter, much like the highly disputed definitions of the sophontic Minor and Major Races.

Lifeform Origins

There are three basic theories for the origin of life.

Within the Imperium the ability to discern which of these is true is muddied considerably by the activities of the Ancients about 300,000 years before the foundation of the First Imperium under the Vilani.

Lifeform Types

Creature Types

Sophont Types

History & Background (Dossier)

The presence of advanced lifeforms or sophonts is what most scientists believe distinguishes Charted Space from Uncharted Space or Wildspace. Simple life or creatures are rare enough, but still vastly more common than sophontic life. The rise and fall of creature and sophont species is of great interest to exobiologists and sophontologists throughout Charted Space.

Life is a focal point of sophont societies and civilizations. Despite this importance, very little is really known about it: from whence it first arose, the breadth of lifeform types, the full cycle of civilization arcs & cycles, what the Singularity is... And so much more is so poorly understood.

Universe Cosmology

The universe as a whole is governed by two major forces: Entropy and Extropy.

Entropy vs. Extropy
Theory Remarks
Entropy In the most simplistic terms, entropy is the force of decay and disorganization. As things break down, wear out, and become used up, that's entropy in action. Entropy tends to reduce matter to its most simple and basic forms.
Extropy Extropy is the countervailing force of increasing complexity, growth, development, and life. Somehow despite what seems like overwhelming predominance of decay, "life finds a way." And also despite what might also seem like colossal odds, sophontic life repeatedly develops.

While no one knows exactly why these two forces are so prevalent, a number of theories have arisen about how life has originated, how civilizations develop, the very nature of life itself, and the endgame of the universe, widely considered to be the eventual heat death of the universe or the eventuality of the Singularity.

Theories of the Rise of Life

No known sophont species yet seems to possess definitive knowledge of how life first arose within Charted Space. And that idea is based upon the supposition that life did not exist when the universe came about. It's probably just as possible that life arose with the universe itself.

Life Origin Types

There are two primary types of life origin theories:

Life Origin Types
Name Remarks
Abiogenesis "Not-live matter begetting life"
Biogenesis "Life begetting life"

Lifeform Origin Theories

Many persuasive theories exist, some more and some less, as to how and where life came from:

Lifeform Origin Theories
Name Type Creator/s Remarks
Chronotaxistic Creators Biogenesis Chronotaxistic Traveller/s A theory that time travelers may have seeded life in the galaxy.
Galactic Gardeners Biogenesis Transgalactic Ascendant/s A theory that more advanced species may have seeded life throughout the galaxy.
Godly Genesis Abiogenesis & Biogenesis Singularity A theory that an unknowable deity created everything including life throughout the galaxy.
Panspermia Biogenesis Random Chance An idea that organic, biological matter gets implanted within meteorites that then by chance travel the interstellar voids entering hospitable environments, where they may grow.
Precursor Programming Biogenesis Transgalactic Ascendant/s Uplift, geneering, etc. This is the idea that advanced species intentionally create new life and is already occurring with TL-15 science although nowhere near the level that the Ancients are conjectured to have achieved.
Pure Happenstance Abiogenesis Random Chance This is the theory that life simply arose by chance. A random mixing of chemicals, electromagnetic energy, and other factors that created life as we know it.
Simple Evolution Abiogenesis Random Chance This is another theory of chance that random elements slowly developed and evolved into life.
Transdimensional Tourists Biogenesis Transdimensional Traveller/s This is a theory that travelers from another dimension made their way to a different universe into a selected galaxy and seeded it with life.

Cycle of Life & Civilization

Cultural Overview:


  1. A-life
  2. Proto-Life (transitory stage)
  3. Creatures
  4. Proto-Sophonts (transitory stage)
  5. Sophonts
  6. Ascendants (transitory stage)
  7. Transcendents
  8. Singularity


A-life, or pseudo life, is life "not as we know it." These kinds of beings, are mostly conjectured at and do not fit the definitions of conventional or unconventional life. They are exotic in nature. They are often believed to be non-baryonic in nature and some believe that they come from destinations other than the known universe such as jumpspace or alternate dimensions.


A Creature is any kind of lifeform, animal, plant, mineral, or otherwise that is at an evolutionary stage that does not yet use technology. Creatures are not rated on the IISS Technology Level scale.


Proto-Sophonts are TL–0 lifeforms possessing advanced intelligence hallmarks and forming sophont cultures and civilizations. Their proto-technologies form a proto-civilization that will become the foundation of more mature societies and civilizations.


Sophonts are an intelligent lifeform and technology-using beings [Native Intelligent Life (NIL)] or Sapients, including humans as well as other "intelligent" lifeforms, that have a significant presence within Charted Space.


Ascendants live strange lives with even stranger motives. Their technology has advanced to a point at which their cultures and civilizations are barely comprehensible to conventional sophonts. Many ascendants no longer confine themselves to single bodies or minds. Most flaut the laws of physics as their technology permits. Their very existence defies conventional paradigm.


Life that approaches the singularity and a post-technological period of civilization are known as Transcendents. These beings are only conjectured at by modern sophontologists although the legends and folklore of many sophont species discuss them at great length.

It is rumored that a number of precursor species have become Transcendents. Many believe that the Ancients became Transcendents.


The Singularity is a point in the future at which all science, philosophy, and all conventional knowledge has lost normative meaning. It is functionally a post-technological existence where anything is possible. Some races think of it as the afterlife, while other consider it something entirely different. Whatever it is, it exists outside of the comprehension of TL–15 science as a much-disputed theory.

See Also


References & Contributors (Sources)

Smallwikipedialogo.png This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Life. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. The text of Wikipedia is available under the Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.