Sarriaklir class Battleship

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Sarriaklir class Battleship
Type: BB Battleship
Size 200,000 Tons
Hull Configuration [[{{{hull}}}]]
Tech Level TL–14
Computer TBD
Jump J-3
Maneuver 6 G
Hardpoints 2,000
Staterooms 0
Crew 1,832
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 133 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Zhodani
Cost MCr  216,992.84
Qty: MCr 173,594.272
Canon Unpublished, fan design

The TBD is a ship serving with the Zhodani Navy.

Description (Specifications)

In the Zhodani Navy the The Sarriaklir class battleship is a TL–14 design in service with the Zhodani Navy, a capable and useful line-of-battle ship; mounting jump-3, 6-G acceleration and 6 agility it is an effective ship when coupled with other vessels capable of supporting it.

Tonnage: 200,000 tons (standard). 2,800,000 cubic meters.
Crew: 183 officers. 1,649 ratings.
Performance: Jump-3. 6-G. Power plant-10. 20,000 EP. Agility 6.
Electronics: Model 8/fib computer
Hardpoints: One spinal weapons mount. Twenty four 100-ton bays. One thousand six hundred eighty hardpoints.
Armament: Spinal mount meson gun (factor-S). Five hundred triple beam laser turrets organized into 50 batteries. One hundred eighty fusion gun turrets. Four 100-ton particle accelerator bays. Five hundred triple missile turrets organized into 50 batteries.
Defenses: Twenty 100-ton repulsor bays. Five hundred triple sandcaster turrets organized into 50 batteries. Meson screen (factor-6). Nuclear Damper (factor-6). Armored hull (factor-7).
Craft: Three 50-ton small craft.
Fuel Treatment: Integral fuel scoops; on-board fuel treatment plant.
Cost: MCr 216,992.84 standard. MCr 173,594.272 in quantity.
Construction Time: 56 months singly; 44 months in quantity.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)

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