Dulinor Astrin Ilethian

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Archduke Dulinor Astrin Ilethian was born in 1066 on the world of Dlan (Ilelish 1021). He rose to the highest levels of the nobility in the Domain of Ilelish with the approval and support of the Emperor. Dulinor was elevated to the position of Archduke by Emperor Strephon in 1104, an action opposed by many of the nobility.

As Archduke, he built a strong reputation for himself in the sectors of Ilelish and Zarushagaar .

Official Traveller Universe

Archduke Dulinor assassinated Emperor Strephon on 132-1116 at the Imperial Palace and later claimed the Iridium Throne by Right of Assassination.

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GURPS Traveller Universe

Archduke Dulinor was killed on 132-1116 when the gig in which he was a passenger exploded mysteriously while taking him to Capital for an audience with Emperor Strephon, It is , of course, unusual and alarming when one of the Imperium's ranking nobles a "mysterious explosion," especially before an Imperial audience. In the absence of any concrete evidence about the tragedy, there are three possibilities:

  • The explosion was an accident.
  • The explosion was intentional, and Dulinor was the target.
  • The explosion was intentional, and some other passenger was the target.

Of these, the second is the most widely held. A number of conspiracy theories have sprouted over who would want Dulinor dead and why, and a small library, could be filled with books about the incident. The final report of the Imperial Navy's investigation into the explosion was issued on 004-1117, and reported that there was insufficient evidence for any firm conclusion.

It may safely be concluded that there is more to Dulinor's death than the Navy will ever admit, perhaps more than it will ever learn.

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The Alternate Dulinor

In the original background history of Traveller, Archduke Dulinor played a more substantial role: he assassinated the emperor (or at least he thought he had) and threw the Imperium into chaos. In the alternate universe depicted in GURPS Traveller, Dulinor himself is killed and the rebellion never comes to pass.

In the original timeline, Dulinor had actually killed a double, used on special occasions where the emperor had to be in two places at once. The reason Strephon was away from Capital remains the same in both universes, and will be revealed over the course of several books in the GURPS Traveller series.