Combat Armor

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Generic Combat Armor
Imperial Sunburst-Sun-IISS-Traveller.gif
Generic Combat Armor
Type Protective Gear
Tech Level TL–11
Cost Cr20,000
Size 12.0 liters
Weight 60.0 kg
Manufacturer Various
Generic Combat Armor

TL–11 Combat Armor (Cr20,000; Weight: 60.0 kg. TL-11) is a complete vacc-suit-like array of metal and synthetic armor. [1]

Description (Specifications)

"Combat Armor:" Similar in construction to battle dress, combat armor provides comparable protection and (unlike the combat environment suit) may be pressurized for use in vacuum or conditions of extremely low air pressure. Combat armor dampens heat signature in the same fashion as the combat environment suit. Combat armor is not powered and thus troops so equipped may not fire high energy weapons designed exclusively for use with battle dress such as the PGMP-13 and FGMP-14. [2]

Combat Armor is strictly military and not available on the open market; it is issued to troop units and elite mercenary battalions. Before combat armor can be worn, the user must have training with vacc suits or similar personal armor types. [3]

Personal Armor Characteristics

Volume: 12.0 liters. Weight: 60.0 kg. Base Price: Cr20,000.

  • Combat Armor: Combat armor is restricted to Imperial combat troops and is not sold on the open market. But due to a thriving black-market for military supplies, the armor can be purchased on high tech level worlds. The armor, which also serves as a vacc suit, is constructed using advanced forms of metallurgy and synthetic research. [4]
  • The armor provides Class-9 protection against Firearms. [5]
  • Combat armor is available at tech level 11, costs Cr20,000 and is treated as battle dress when fired at. At tech level 12, combat armor is available in chameleon configuration for Cr25,000. [6]

Chameleon Option

At TL–12 a chameleon surface becomes available for the combat armor at an additional cost of Cr1,000. It selectively bleeds heat to match background IR levels and effectively renders the wearer invisible to IR sensors. The IR camouflage is a simple, solid-state cooling system that is woven into the garment and that eliminates all infrared signature except on the exposed heat exhaust. The heat exhaust is a very pronounced IR source, but this can be dampened by inserting a chill can into the cooling system. The chill system eliminates the signature for 45 minutes to two hours; at the end of that time the can is used up and must be replaced.

Psionic Shielding Option

Beginning at TL–12, psionic shielding is available as an option for any armor at an additional cost of Cr4,000. Psionic shielding protects the wearer from psionic mind reading and from psionic life sensing.

History & Background (Dossier)

Inexpensive when compared to battle dress, combat armor is widespread in military use for higher technology forces, and usually contains integral communications equipment.

Combat armor matures during the TL:10-12 epoch. It is known as Plate Armor during the TL:1-3 epoch, Trench Armor during the TL:4-6 epoch, and Hard Armor during the TL:7-9 epoch. [7]

This is one of the four common forms of hazardous-duty dress commonly used by the military and paramilitaries of most polities. The four types of dress are: [8]

Selected Personal Armor Models

  1. TL-2 Plate Armor
  2. TL-4 Trench Armor
  3. TL-7 Hard Armor
  4. TL-11 Combat Armor
  5. TL-12 Combat Armor

References & contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Marc Miller. Characters and Combat (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 41-42.
  2. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 41, 52.
  3. Marc Miller. Characters and Combat (Game Designers Workshop, 1977), 41-42.
  4. Marc Miller. "Imperial Soldier’s Weapons & Armor Guide." MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy (1990): 4.
  5. Marc Miller. "Imperial Soldier’s Weapons & Armor Guide." MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy (1990): 4.
  6. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 41, 52.
  7. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak
  8. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak