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* Bodyguard services.
* Bodyguard services.
* Prison facilities and Prisoner Transfer services.
* Private detectives.
* Private detectives.
* Electronic data specialists.
* Electronic data specialists.

Revision as of 08:53, 20 January 2018

A major business sector of the Distant Fringe.

General Overview

A catch-all term describing commercially available armed or paramilitary forces operating within the Distant Fringe. Any Security organisation should hold a licence to operate that is recognised by at least two interstellar states, and it should adhere to regulations and guidelines laid down in the Rissa Accords.

In an area as vast and as unregulated as the Distant Fringe, security is a huge industry. There are all manner of civil policing forces, quasi-military political organisations, mercenary units and StarMerc squadrons and flotillas. There are security agencies, private detectives, bodyguards, independent forensics, and bounty hunters. Private companies generally also manage prisoner detention and transfer. Some organisations function as intelligence agencies, employing agents and engaging in covert espionage. Security organisations often hold vast amounts of confidential data about all manner of subjects.


Mercenaries are commercially available ground forces. They take their professional reputation very seriously. Their parent organisation is generally a signatory to the Rissa Accords.

Different types and formations of military and paramilitary units may be hired. The smallest unit commonly available is the platoon.

  • Combat Units:
    • Fighting formations (infantry, armor).
    • Ranged weapons (artillery, missiles).
    • Specialist formations (engineers, reconnaissance).
  • Support Units:
    • Transport / Logistics.
    • Medical and Welfare.
  • Administrative Units:
    • Headquarters
    • Internal Security
    • Supply and Finance
    • Training


StarMercs are commercially available space forces. They are normally employed to escort merchant vessels through dangerous areas, though they are occasionally used as combatants in local conflicts and wars. They use a variety of armed vessels and take their professional reputation very seriously. Their parent organisation is generally a signatory to the Rissa Accords.

Different types and formations of military and paramilitary units may be hired. The smallest unit commonly available is an individual ship and its crew.

  • Combat Units:
    • Spacefighter Squadrons.
    • Escorts and Patrols.
    • Heavy Elements.
  • Support Units:
    • Transport / Logistics.
    • Maintenance / Technical Support.
    • Medical and Welfare.
  • Administrative Units:
    • Headquarters
    • Internal Security
    • Supply and Finance
    • Training


A variety of Intelligence organisations are commercially available. They undertake information gathering under a wide variety of circumstances. They take their professional reputation very seriously. Such organisations generally adhere to the principals of the Rissa Accords.

Different types and sizes of intelligence outfit may be hired:

  • Governmental-style organisations.
  • Military-style organisations.
  • Police-style organisations.



  • Bodyguard services.
  • Prison facilities and Prisoner Transfer services.
  • Private detectives.
  • Electronic data specialists.

Major Companies

Some of the larger organisations include:

  • AstroForce (heavily involved in StarMerc operations along The Descent)
  • Frontier Data Equipment
  • Independent Analysis Solutions
  • Nemain & Arawn Associates
  • Personal Recovery Services
  • Seeing Eye Security
  • Starmerc, Inc
  • The Corps (heavily involved in Mercenary operations within the Hell Worlds region)

References & Contributors / Sources

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.