Kaasu Cluster

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Fourteen systems near the center of Corridor's Alpha Quadrant including the sector capital of Kaasu (Corr 1209).

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

A simple chart showing early Vilani settlement along the Ushamla Main, the Chosen Cluster, and the Kaasu Cluster between around -6000 and roughly -2204.

Chart Ushamla Settlement Vilani Basic.png
(Chart sourced from Traveller Map)

A swath of worlds lying to spinward of the formal Imperial border had small populations when the Ziru Sirka was established. The Ushamla Core Worlds, centered on Khukish, and the worlds of the Kaasu Cluster rose to significance, eventually becoming petty polities ruled by warlords, and maintaining their nominal independence through trade treaties and diplomacy with the local Imperial Provincial Governors. The population of the region remained uniformly low throughout the era, never exceeding more than a few hundred million in total.

See also: Karkasha Surake Danim Zirunek.


Corridor– Fourteen Systems

Khukish (Corr B)– 8

  1. Byla Hoso (Corr 1010)
  2. Draack Elka (Corr 1409)
  3. Drayne (Corr 0910)
  4. Kaasu (Corr 1209)
  5. Latu (Corr 1210)
  6. Naasakiira (Corr 1309)
  7. Shushaka (Corr 1109)
  8. Xinox (Corr 1408)

Strand (Corr F) – 6

  1. Biinersa (Corr 1111)
  2. Buagki (Corr 1112)
  3. Demick (Corr 1013)
  4. Heald (Corr 0913)
  5. Tobibak (Corr 1011)
  6. Toddie‐lee (Corr 0912)

References & Contributors / Sources[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.