Sulieman class Scout/Courier

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One of the most common starships within the Imperium is the tested and tried type S Scout/Courier.

Originally produced to specification for the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service, this sleek and simple ship was intended for common courier duties within the Imperium, and simple survey and exploration duties beyond the Imperial borders.


Because the scout/courier is a standard design, the Scout Service has a large quantity of the vessels on hand, with the natural result that some are sold at surplus and find their ways into private or commercial hands, while others are scrapped.

In addition, however, many are diverted to a scout program called detached duty. Under the direction of the Scout Service's Detached Duty Office, some former or retired scout personnel are provided with scout/couriers for their own use.

The ships are too small for profitable commercial operations, but they do serve as a form of reasonable transport for those with wanderlust.

In addition, the Scout Service derives a reasonable intelligence return on its investment through the examination of the ships' logbooks when they are serviced, and through routine interrogation and debriefings of crews.

Finally, such detached duty scout/couriers are subject to recall and activation (with crew) in the event of a war scare or mobilization alert.

History & Background

While the X-Boat system provides fast forwarding of messages and information along the major xboat routes within the Imperium, it falls to the Scout Service's fleet of scout/couriers to relay information from worlds along the routes to outlying fringe worlds. The Jump-2 capability of the scout/courier places nearly all such worlds within its range.

Beyond the Imperial borders (and in relatively unexplored regions within the Imperium) the scout/courier is pressed into service as an exploratory vessel. It can roam through most areas, refuelling itself from Gas Giants or planetary oceans as necessary, checking up on local conditions, and filing reports when it returns from a mission. In some areas, an exploratory cruiser of perhaps 10,000 tons will carry a squadron of ten or more scout/couriers. As the cruiser passes through an area, individual scout/couriers will range ahead or to the flanks and perform actual data gathering missions.

Representative Classes

TL-15 IISS Donosev Class Survey Scout 400 tons J-3
TL-14 Aslan Stayaow Class Combat Scout 200 tons J-2
TL-14 Aslan Hraye Class Scout 100 tons J-2
TL-14 Solomani Hunter class Armored Scout 100 tons J-3
TL-13 IISS Nostrii Class Science Scout 100 tons J-3
TL-12 Caledonian Fairmile Model G Class Scout 200 tons J-2

References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.