SEH class Light Cruiser

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SEH class Light Cruiser
Type: CL Light Cruiser
Size 30,000 Tons
Hull Configuration [[{{{hull}}}]]
Tech Level TL–15
Jump J-3
Maneuver 3 G
Hardpoints 300
Staterooms 0
Crew 638
High/Mid Passengers 0
Cargo 250 Tons
Fuel tank 0 Tons
Origin Third Imperium
Cost MCr15,732
Canon Unpublished, fan design

The Gionetti class was a design from Fighting Ships using a High Guard design. Because of differences between High Guard and the MT design system, the MT version (renamed the Starburst of Extreme Heroism class) was very different (jump and maneuver much reduced, crew much larger). This serves to highlight the differences between the two systems. Since it is extremely implausible that the Imperial Navy would have two different ship classes that looked so much alike and were both named for SEH recipients, one must conclude that at least one of the two writeups are inaccurate. Maybe the "real" Gionetti class doesn't really match either of the two writeups but lies somewhere in between (though the jump drive is probably 5, since the accompanying text expressly mentions "its high jump capability")

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