QuikLink Interactive

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QuickLink Interactive was founded in 2001 CE by Hunter Gordon to produce and sell Generic Role-Playing for Internet Players (GRIP), a software package to allow groups to play RPGs over the internet.

  • A second version of GRIP came with a reprint of the Classic Traveller books 1-3 and a special Traveller box.

Description / Specifications

QuickLink produced a number Traveller products and had several more in the pipeline, including an adaptation of Twilight 2000, 2300, a source book for David Webber's Honor Harrington universe, and John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata all using the Traveller's Handbook as the core rule book.

These plans were put on hold when Hunter took a personal leave of absence from QLI between 2005 and 2007.

History & Background / Dossier

In 2001, Marc Miller granted Hunter and QuickLink Interactive a Traveller licence. Hunter's plan was to produce a Traveller version using the new Wizards of the Coast D20 game system under their D20 System licence. The Traveller's Handbook was published in 2002 with much fanfare and good reviews.

Meta-history & Background


  1. Gateway to Destiny
  2. T20


  1. Traveller's Aide #1 Personal Weapons of Charted Space
  2. Traveller's Aide #2 Grand Endeavor
  3. Traveller's Aide #3 On the Ground
  4. Traveller's Aide #4 76 Gunmen
  5. Traveller's Aide #5 Objects of the Mind
  6. Traveller's Aide #6 Against Gravity
  7. Traveller's Aide #7 Fighting Ships (TA 7)
  8. Traveller's Aide #9 Fighting Ships of the Solomani


  1. EPIC Adventure #1 The Forgotten War
  2. EPIC Adventure #3 Chimera
  3. EPIC Adventure #4 Merchant Cruiser (book)
  4. EPIC Adventure #5 Scout Cruiser
  5. EPIC Adventure #6 Mercenary Cruiser (book)
  6. EPIC Adventure #7 Merc Heaven


  1. Revelation Station (book)

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)

References & Contributions (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.