Forum:Expanded UWP (2017)

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How do the eggs get distributed? (2017)

User:Tjoneslo, I think we need to rethink the all eggs in one basket approach to the UWP for classic era and TNE. I like it, but it is becoming apparent that different pages for each time zone would be a better idea. I get a lot of negative feedback for that feature and the whole History & Background section changes between ages.

- Maksim-Smelchak (talk) 19:21, 19 March 2017 (EDT)

This is an old debate, with no consensus about how to resolve it. I view the text of the write-up for the world as more important than the generated infoboxes. So my approach focuses on this text, and relegates the infoboxes, and other generated text (e.g. Template:Starport and Template:Imperial Nobility) to secondary importance.
The Manual of Style/sector and Manual of Style/subsector advanced layouts have one approach to splitting the History and Background section by era. Is this sufficient?
- What is the default era for world articles? That is, absent of other information what is the assumed date of an article?
- If the world has data for more than one era, what is the data presented at the top of the main article? Even if this requires splitting up the UWP?
- If we are spitting the text (and the infoboxes/generated data) by era into separate sub-pages, how does the main article link to these sub-pages? Part of the debate we had was the extra click required to read all the historical data if they were on separate pages.
Tjoneslo (talk) 07:41, 20 March 2017 (EDT)

This is where the committee approach fails Traveller.
There are so many damnable clicks that one more is really not appreciable.
The default is Classic Traveller pegged at the Fifth Frontier War so Milieu 1100.
Put a navigation bar at the top of each world-system article marking which era or milieu the bar belongs to. Multiple choices will be available for most entries.
This is exactly how Star Wars and Trek handle the same challenge.
Just be aware that sometimes the fixed data, as in the Astrography & Planetology, do change. Planets get destroyed. Climates change. Nuclear winter. $$it happens.
Ultimately the fan friendly sections, as in the Nobility, Star, and Starport headers, are the most used and beloved of the data. Your hard work with core data blocks all too often gets nitpicked and all too often does not receive its due.
Ssteve's work recording UWP histories in Empty Quarter will one day be appreciated.
- Maksim-Smelchak (talk) 07:27, 23 March 2017 (EDT)