So Skire (world)

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So Skire/So Skire (Old Expanses 1732)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population8 Moderate (00 million)
Government4 Representative Democracy
Law3 Low Law (no automatic weapons)
Tech Level1 Pre-Industrial (bronze, iron)
New Era (1200)
StarportE Frontier - no facilities
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics7 Wet World 70%
Population8 Moderate (00 million)
Government4 Representative Democracy
Law3 Low Law (no automatic weapons)
Tech Level1 Pre-Industrial (bronze, iron)
See also UWP

World Data

So Skire occupies orbit 0 around its M0V primary Mymr. SoSkire oribits toward the outer edge of the habitable zome. This, and its primary's relatively low luminosity resultsin a cool temperatures on the planet's surface. Orbits 1 and 2 are empty, orbits 3 through 6 contain the system's four gas giants.

  • So Skire has a small rocky moonlet orbiting at 85 thousand kilometers and a ring system at 19 thousand kilometers.
  • So Skire is classified as a habitable world but it's no paradise. It has a base surface temperature of 4°C and temperatures ranging from +29°C to -76°C. So Skire's temperate zone extends from 24° north to 24° south of the equator. Latitudes north and south of this line experinec severs seaonsl freesing or permanent glaciation.
  • It is an old world. Mucho of its orignal atmophere has leaded away into space inspite of its 1.55G surface gravity. So Skire's atmosphere has a pressure of 0.9 atmospheres and a 20 percent oxygen conventraion making it breathable without assistance. The Axial tilt is 26 degrees giving the world pronounced seasons. So Skire's day is 24 hours long, and its year is rather short at 47 standard (and local) days.


So Skire was settled during the rapid expansion of the Rule of Man following the defeat of the Vilani in the Interstellar Wars. Early records are few, indicating it was settled as a mining colony by colonists of Terran descent. It was abandoned during the Long Night and the technology level of its surviving inhabitants crashed to TL0. Their technology had climbed to TL1 whe they were rediscovered about 560 by the IISS. By the, other resource worlds closer to the Imperial core had been developed and So Skire was noted in IISS journals and bypassed. Harsh agricultural growing conditions and the lack of native technology combined to keep the planet's population at round 100 million. The IISS and later the Solomani Confederation Navy had provided and maintained communications technology which helped So Skire's people remain united and govern themselves as a representative democracy. Otherwise, the IISS declined to "interfere" with the local society althoug it did allow trade and contact with off-worlders under supervision of personnel from the Scout base at Keghe (Old Expanses 1733).

History-Era: New Era

So Skire has been a stable backwater world unaffected by Virus and the Collapse because of its low pre-collapse tech level. With the Collapse, however, communications satellites and ground-based networks, maintained by the IISS, failed, the base at Keghe disappeared, and the world became balkanized. Normally, it would not draw much attention. However, a recent survey by a free-lance team found significant heavy metal mineral deposits on this dense, high gravity world and a relatively friendly native population near the survey site. Coupled with its position on the spinward edge of a dense cluster worlds leading toward Hiver space, this make So Skire worthy of intensive contact and bootstrap operations.

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