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G-Carrier (Vehicle) Synopsis

An enclosed, armored military or paramilitary grav vehicle, intended for troop carrier duties.

A G-carrier is capable of close-orbital spaceflight (sealed against vacuum) and is much quicker than an Air/raft grav vehicle. A G-carrier is not intended for extended spaceflight. Interface landers (spacecraft), ship's gigs, shuttles, and other smallcraft perform similar roles.

G-Carrier (Vehicle) Description

G-Carriers commonly have the following features:

  • It requires a crew of one driver (with air/raft skill), plus a gunner for the weapon, if any.
  • It can carry 14 persons in total, plus two tons of cargo (or 250 kg of cargo for each person not carried). Thus driver, gunner and 5 tons of cargo is its maximum capacity.
  • Armor
  • Weapon/s
  • With performance similar to that of an Air/raft, the G-carrier generally has a gun mount and a rear hatch door.
  • Most G-Carriers are capable of reaching orbit (occupants need not wear vacuum suits) and the trip will be a speedy one only taking a typical (15 to 45) minute flight depending on the size of the planet.
  • G-Carriers have much more powerful engines when compared to Air/rafts.

G-Carrier (Vehicle) Strategy & Doctrine


G-Carrier (Vehicle) History & Background


G-Carrier (Vehicle) Representative Classes

Various examples include the following classes of G-Carriers:

G-Carrier (Vehicle) References & Contributors

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.