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== Description ([[Specifications]]) ==
== Description ([[Specifications]]) ==
A [[Tribal Society]] is possibly the first non-herd groupings by society. They form and generally take on hunter or gatherer roles, and often a mix of the two for omnivores. These are nomadic groups, for the most part, and show real signs of cooperative behavior and society-building. The key identifier for a band society is the presence of both external and internal technologies including tools and sophisticated social organization or hierarchy.
A [[Tribal Society]] is possibly the first non-herd groupings by society. They form and generally take on hunter or gatherer roles, and often a mix of the two for omnivores. These are nomadic groups, for the most part, and show real signs of cooperative behavior and society-building. The key identifier for a chiefdom is the presence of both external and internal technologies including tools and sophisticated social organization or hierarchy, and increasing theories of land ownership and use.
* Tribes tend to form Pastoral Societies moving hers from set pastures in a nomadic fashion.
* Tribes tend to form Pastoral Societies moving hers from set pastures in a nomadic fashion.

Revision as of 15:32, 17 July 2019

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A Chiefdom or Tribal Society is an early society that has developed a complex culture and a social hierarchy capable of creating leaders with considerable authority and significant legitimacy.

Description (Specifications)

A Tribal Society is possibly the first non-herd groupings by society. They form and generally take on hunter or gatherer roles, and often a mix of the two for omnivores. These are nomadic groups, for the most part, and show real signs of cooperative behavior and society-building. The key identifier for a chiefdom is the presence of both external and internal technologies including tools and sophisticated social organization or hierarchy, and increasing theories of land ownership and use.

  • Tribes tend to form Pastoral Societies moving hers from set pastures in a nomadic fashion.

Key Identifier Characteristics

No data yet available.

Tribal Society vs. Chiefdom

Most chiefdoms require a more hierarchical leadership as agricultural or other food-producing technologies are developed. These groups build the first villages and even cities. The key identifier for a chiefdom is that permanent or semi-permanent facilities have been established. Band societies are overwhelmingly mobile or nomadic.

  • Chiefdoms are able to form Pastoral Societies and create lasting permanent settlement sites to develop agrarian technology, food surpluses, and the rise of non-subsistence societies.

History & Background (Dossier)

No information yet available.

Standard Polity Growth Sequence



References & Contributors (Sources)

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.