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=== Cargo ===
=== Cargo ===
An open topped cargo hold with a volume of 50m³ (4.1 dTons). Maximum load: 37,000 kg.
An open topped cargo hold with a volume of 50m³ (4.1 dTons). Maximum load: 37,500 kg.
=== Equipment ===
=== Equipment ===

Revision as of 13:49, 19 February 2018

Open Wagon
Tech Level TL–4
Mass 5 Tons
Cost {{{cost}}}
Mode Wheels / Rails
Speed -
Cargo 50m³
Crew -
Passengers -
Armament none

The Open Wagon is a Railroad Vehicle. It requires a railroad network of the correct gauge to operate.

Description / Specifications

A cargo wagon designed to be towed by a railroad locomotive.

Hull / Suspension

An open topped box-shaped wooden or steel hull. Length: 8.6m, Width: 2.3m, Height: 3.7m. Unloaded Weight: 17,500 kg.

  • External Volume: approximately 70m³ (5 dTons).
Note that the external volume measures the vehicles maximum dimensions and includes track clearance. The contained volume of the hull is lower.

The vehicle is fitted with wheels set onto axles.

  • The vehicle is designed to operate on rail networks. The gauge (the distance between the inner faces of the two rails) for railroad networks within the Distant Fringe is generally 1.5m (though some worlds use their own system) and most examples of the wagon are built to match that standard.

Power / Transmission

The open wagon has no internal power source.


Wagons are unpowered. They are moved by being attached to a railroad locomotive.

  • Wagons have an automatic coupling system. The linkage also includes pressure hoses that connect to the locomotive and operate their brakes.


An open topped cargo hold with a volume of 50m³ (4.1 dTons). Maximum load: 37,500 kg.


Running lights.

History / Background

A wagon designed to move bulk loads along road networks.

See also: Vehicles of the Distant Fringe

References & Contributors / Sources

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.