Patron Encounters

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Patron Encounters
Author Martin Dougherty
Publisher Avenger Enterprises
Version Mongoose Traveller
Edition 1st
Format Book (Softback) (PDF)
Language English
Pages 27
Year Published 2009
Canonical No
Available from RPGNow
Also See Special Supplement 3: Patron Encounters
Table of Contents
About this Book 5
Part 1 No Starship Required 6
Part 2 Starship or Spaceship related 21

Patron Encounters is a Avenger Enterprises product.

  • It is an adventure scenario book.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

Patron Encounters is a collection of 34 adventure ideas for Mongoose Traveller games.

Patron Encounters are presented in the manner of a traditional adventure plot - a person wants something doing and is willing to offer a reward for completing the task. Each patron encounter has several possible outcomes in order to provide the greatest variety of plots possible.

Created by the Avenger Enterprises creative team plus long-time Traveller stalwarts from the Traveller Mailing List, Patron Encounters contains enough scenarios, odd jobs and misadventures to keep a Traveller group busy for many weeks.

Avenger Quote: "For that impromptu game or the party who insist on wandering off the planned track, Patron Encounters is a lifejacket for harassed Referees. Featuring the talents of the Traveller Mailing List, people who have kept the game alive all these years, we think we have created a worthy successor to the classic 76 Patrons."

Table of Contents[edit]

Mongoose Traveller:
Patron Encounters
Section Page/s

Library Data Entries (Public)[edit]

  1. TBD

Meta-history & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Ideal for a quick game or an unexpected twist in an ongoing scenario, the adventure seeds in this book can be dropped easily into any Traveller setting or era.

Credits (Primary Sources)[edit]

Credits (Primary Sources)
Credit Authors & Contributors
Chief Executive Martin J. Dougherty
Design Consultants Michael Taylor, William Andersen
Recruiting Agents Doug Berry, Michael Cessna, Jeff Hopper, Ewan Quibell, Megan Robertson

External Link/s[edit]

Commentary & Data articles:




Other Articles:


References & Contributions (Sources)[edit]

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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.