Gvaegnesosluezkaen (world)

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Gvaegnesosluezkaen/Khuzedhoth (Knoellighz 1340)
Milieu 1116
StarportD Poor: No Construction, Minor Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size8 Large (12,800 km, 0.80g - 1.08g)
Atmosphere6 Standard
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
Population7 Moderate (20 million)
Government7 Balkanization
Law5 Moderate Law (no concealable weapons)
Tech Level1 Pre-Industrial (bronze, iron)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary F3 V
Worlds 6
Gas Giants 2
Planetoid Belts 0
Cultural Details
Government Balkanization
Law Level Moderate
Cultural Extension 9761
Army Size (BEs) 5
Economic Details
Technology Level 1
Economic Extension
Labor6Moderate (2 million)
Infrastructure9 Extensive
Importance Extension 0
Resource Units 1
GWP (BCr) 8
World Trade Number 3.5
Trade Volume (MCr/year) 73
Starport Details
Classification Class-D
Port Size 2
Building Capacity (Tons) 13,000
Port employees 20
Port passengers (annual) 6,000

Gvaegnesosluezkaen is an agricultural and garden world with a shirt-sleeve atmosphere and a balance of available surface water. The system has a population between 1 million and 100 million. It is a member of Infinity League in the Khuzedhoth Subsector of Knoellighz Sector.

Description (Astrography & Planetology)[edit]

No information yet available.

Gvaegnesosluezkaen has a solitary primary star.
Solitary F Type.jpg Type Category Mass (Sol) Temperature (K) Luminosity
F3 V Main Sequence 1.44 6670 - 6750 3.58318
Unit Diameter Safe Distance Habitable Zone Jump Shadow M-Drive Limit
AU 0.0147 0.157 1.7 - 2.94 1.47 14.7
Orbit #  * 0 5 4 7

System Data[edit]

No information yet available.

Mainworld Data[edit]

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Mainworld Geography & Topography[edit]

No information yet available.

Native Lifeforms[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

On Gvaegnesosluezkaen (Knoellighz 1340) D866775-1 Ag Ga Ri / Lt of the Infinity League in Khuzedhoth subsector lives a population of Vargr colonists who deliberately and purposefully descended their Tech Level to an Iron Age, medieval environment. This colony landed in 850 of the Imperial Calendar from Gvurrdon Sector and disassembled the starship, systems, equipment, components and parts down until only base materials and resources were left. There is no extraterritoriality at the remnant D-rated Downport, a single landing site remains intact and not maintained very well. The most a handful of nearby crafts Vargr can perform is re-forging starship hull plates or simple blacksmithing to order, (with the assistance of an advisory wise man locals term a 'Wizard', (see Wizards below).

Planetside topography shows a 60%+ large seas and small oceans bounded by larger continents and transverse fault tectonic plates. Only three surface crust subductions are surveyed that add to occasional earthquakes and coastal tsunami. Territories are staked by guidance from the Wizards and a continent can have up to six such leaders at a time.

The mainworld of Gvaegnesoslueskaen is a pristine jewel worthy of its Agricultural, Garden and Rich trade codes which are not explained to later generations of locals and held in the records of the Wizards. Trade to visiting starships is an affair overseen by such Wizard(s) at the remnant Downport. Tech-appropriate items are traded in exchange for kegs of water, food, herbs, some crafts or artworks and mined raw minerals. Overseen by the Wizards in accordance with the wishes of the original colonists, many incoming items and equipment must be by covenant turned away, rejected back to the arriving tramp traders. No starship over 400 displacement tons is permitted to land, (though their technology cannot enforce this). A non-interference treaty between the collected, planet-wide Wizards and the Infinity League polity claiming it has been in place since first contact in the 900s of the Imperial Calendar. The League enjoys the fruits of the world without cost-ineffective contribution so long as Gvaegnesoslueskaen is permitted autonomy. This pleases the Office of the President at Duelunogoerrzuez (Knoellighz 1138) greatly, giving them some buffer from the demands and pressures of the Agricultural branch of the polity. The Wizards of Gvaegnesolueskaen have also rebuffed offers from the Infinity League to install a Highport in orbit over the world in exchange for Gas Giant, (two in number) fuel skimming and belting the system’s two planetoid belts by bonded, League prospectors. In trade and after 1114, the off-world discipline of psionics was delivered as a payment from the Infinity League Vargr, Instituted Psions to Mentor the Wizards in case of future exploitation. The Wizards after their graduation could then choose to pass on the disciplines via council testing of apprentices and training of next generation Wizards.

Choosing a simple, low-tech lifestyle and ecological balance preservationist culture model, the colony spread out in random directions and quickly Balkanized peacefully. Volunteers from the original settlers were designated ‘Wizards’ for life for various tasks, (see Wizards below).

Tech Level 1, an Iron Age similar to the Terran Dark Ages was maintained. Towns, hamlets, townships, counties and frontier settlements make up the majority of the collected civilization and denser communities utilize aqueducts to channel freshwater from streams to irrigate farms, turn mill wheels. Windmills and sails on galley-class watercraft are the second source of motive power. Locals speak a recognizable and functional Gvegh Vargr language tainted by constructed language vocabulary tailored to details found on the mainworld. Referees should ask for Lingusitics or Gvegh Language throws to put forth complex or tech-inappropriate concepts forth. Towns are led by elected mayors and confirmed by the nearest Wizard. Locals can still use tech-appropriate means such as long distance signaling, fire beacons, manufacture usable Vargr weapons and armor, utilize metalworking and weave a durable denim ‘bluejeans’ outerwear. Most locals are literate and can still perform math and work an abacus for merchant dealings.

The fauna and flora had to be tamed though this was initially difficult for the Vargr 20 years after their first landing at such a low Tech Level. Large, lumbering reptiles similar to Ankylosaurs, Stegodon and the swift and pack-hunter Velociraptors walked, (and stalked), the wilds. Some towns were able to domesticate smaller breeds. But other, bulkier dinosaurs were hunted as food and to protect the towns. Plant life of this world yields forth various dangers that the original colonists had to learn to cope with.

The mainworld of Gvaegnesoslueskaen is still aware of Vargr from off-world and lay folk generally direct such visitors to the nearest Wizard when encountered. Though the world has descended to TL 1, the Wizards’ tavern tales of their history and the visitors, called ‘offworlders’ allow for a generally peaceful first contact.

Though their planet-wide culture features tech-descending, simple folk, two cultural customs have arisen since the initial colony dismantled their vessel for good.

Peaceful – All lay folk are trained in Infighting, the Vargr martial art using natural weapons and TL 1 weapons gleaned from the histories, but society as a whole are given to peaceful, non-lethal ways. Conflicts are left in the claws of the Wizards who often draw militias when two communities cannot resolve differences. Wars are small-scale, single engagement battles that settle the outcomes without crossing environment preservationist lines. Scorched earth tactics are nigh a blasphemous heresy against this cultural custom. Due to the dangerous fauna, many Vargr townsfolk strap on a serrated broadsword or a cutlass. Hunters make extensive use of bow and arrows also fine-tuned by a Wizard or bowyer and fletcher. Such weapons are TL 1, but can be modified by the Referee by changing Heft, damage, weight or other aspects.

Obsessed – There is a preservationist custom of eco-friendly practices and awareness of natural balance instilled in the original colonists which became central values to later generations. No part of a hunted creature is wasted if at all possible and no region is over hunted. A local Wizard will notify a mayor should any risk to an ecology be detected. Even farmlands are uprooted and moved to allow the soils to recover. Homes, barely cottages and villas, are property of the town and thus many structures follow generic design and are winterized for the next family to move in and work the farm or hunt that territory. Personal possessions are wagon carted to the next home as indicated by the local Wizard through the mayor.


Sub-continent Alpha Vargr are designated as ‘Wizards’, educated, experience learned, historians, scientists (that locals call thaumaturgy), and medicinal disciplines. These singular Vargr are selected from birth to succeed their master Wizards for life and may not abdicate from the duty. Aside from the nearest town mayor, Vargr Wizards are the only form of government Gvaegnesoslueskaen has. In times of great need, Wizards can travel across land (or teleport after 1114) to the relic Downport to discuss current issues before returning home. Not all such gatherings of councils are as peaceful as the local Cultural Customs would wont.

Higher math such as Geometry, Trigonometry are left to the Wizards as is the medical sciences above garden remedies, essential oils, wild herbal treatments and compounding. Beyond those are the purview of the Wizards as science has been relegated to fantastical, thaumaturgical, (taking what is already present and working wonders with it), discipline meant only for them. Wizards speak pure Gvegh, eschewing local, lingual adaptations to the planetary environment.

Rebellion Era: 1116

It is not until the Rebellion in the Imperium far to Rimward that Gvaegnesoslueskaen has first contact with a Zhodani having been insulated from the Humaniti for so long. Infinity League Emissaries in low-tech garb and denim bluejeans made contact with local Wizards, mayors and concerned townsfolk over the encounter with a Zhodani scout vessel. With the aid of telepathy and careful negotiations, the world was re-introduced to Humaniti. During Hard Times, the world sees fewer visits from outer space and this is to the populace liking.

Virus Era: 1130s

Since there was no detectable technology above Iron Age, Gvaegnesoslueskaen was largely spared bombardment by Vampire fleets though a few skirmishes were seen in the night sky by locals as they clashed with Infinity League vessels. Debris falling from orbital engagements was gathered by locals, given to the collected Wizards who then delivered such parts to the remnant D-rated Downport. Laser strikes from orbit scarred the landing field and did little damage elsewhere. Vampires were explained to Wizards, mayors and lay folk as demons, though later beneficial Awaken meta-identities were described as helpful daemons.

The world was contacted again, one of the first few, after Duelunogoerrzuez received quarantine protocols shared from their Zhodani neighbors and also imported from Gvurrdon Sector.

Plothook: One Wizard has, after 1114, embraced psionics and smuggled technology to attempt domination of the continent or mainworld. Can the characters, with minimal interference of the locals' culture, stop the warlord Wizard to keep the peace?

Empress Wave: 1159

World Starport[edit]

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World Technology Level[edit]

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World Government[edit]

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World Military[edit]

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World Economy[edit]

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Trade Data[edit]

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World Demographics[edit]

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World Culture[edit]

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Historical Data[edit]

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World Timeline[edit]

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UWP Listing[edit]

No information yet available.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

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