Dua (world)
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Astrography and planetology[edit]
Dua is a member of the Sylean Main. Dua is a cold desert world.
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Dua has a solitary primary star.
History and background[edit]
It is home to a scattered nomadic people known as the Separationists. They move from oasis to oasis that dot the planet, seeking food and water. They trade small items with each other. Their exact origin is shrouded in mystery. They appear to be of mixed Slyean-Vilani descent, but the time of their arrival is unknown. Their language and culture is very distinct.
A small IISS team are now resident on the world, trying to unravel the mystery.
References and contributors[edit]
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This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
- Leighton Piper. "Library Data: Khandi." Signal-GK 12 (1996): 60. via. HIWG
- Marc Miller. First Survey (Imperium Games, 1996), 84.
- Jae Campbell. Encyclopaedia Dagudashaag (Signal-GK, 2017), 96-97.