Assault Rifle

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Generic Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle.jpg
Generic Assault Rifle
Group: Ranged Weapon
Tech Level TL–7
Size 850.0 mm
Weight 3,000.0 grams
Cost Cr300
Ammo 6mm bullet, x30 rounds
Manufacturer Various
Generic Assault Rifle

The Assault Rifle (3,330.0 grams loaded; Cr300; TL-7) is a highly effective assault weapon that outperforms its predecessors by a considerable margin.

Description (Specifications)[edit]

"Assault Rifle:" A lighter and less expensive military version of the automatic rifle, the assault rifle fires a 6mm, 5.0 gram bullet at velocities of 900 meters per second. A magazine containing thirty rounds is inserted into the underside of the assault rifle, ahead of the trigger guard. Reloading takes several seconds, during which the firer is treated as evading. The weapon may either be fired automatically (four rounds per pull of the trigger] or semi-automatically (one round per pull of the trigger). The fire setting may be changed after actively firing. [1]

The assault rifle has an integral carrying grip/sight, and is generally provided with a sling as well. Belt fed versions are generally not available, and special sights may not be attached without considerable modification of the basic design for most models. [2]

Weapon Characteristics[edit]

Length: 850.0 mm. Weight, unloaded: 3,000.0 grams (loaded magazine weighs 330.0 grams). Base price: Cr300 (loaded Magazine: Cr20). Tech level 7. [3]

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

Assault Rifles come of age in the TL:7-9 epoch and tend to remain in wide use throughout Charted Space due to ease of manufacture and price. It is a progressive development of the Automatic Pistol to Machine Pistol to Submachinegun to Automatic Rifle to the Assault Rifle. The weapon tends to be superceded by the ACR by forces that can afford them. By TL:13-15, Plasma Weaponry and Gauss Rifles tend to dominate the battlefield. [4]

Selected Assault Rifle Models[edit]

  1. TL-7 Assault Rifle
  2. TL-8 Assault Rifle
  3. TL-9 Assault Rifle

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.
  1. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 35.
  2. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 35.
  3. Frank Chadwick. Mercenary (Game Designers Workshop, 1978), 35.
  4. Information provided to the library by Maksim-Smelchak