Anpaan Republican Marines
Anpaan Republic has a system for Republican Guard which serve as militia garrisons on each populated world in the republic. These units are planetary bound and incapable of Protected Forces operations. The fleet marine regiment is 2,425 strong and deploys from the twenty-five carriers of Anpaan Republican Navy. Each taskforce is a 485 strong battalion. The entire force is devoid of support and logistics. The navy must supply all support for these fighters. Each carrier deploys a small company of ten ARM101 Heavy Raider class G-Carrier, each raider G-Carrier has a crew of three and can carry six dismounts. The eleventh vehicle is a ARM529 Warden class Close Fire Support Carrier. It carries the unit commander and six other crew and dismounts. Ortillery and close support from ARN304a PeKempo class Light Missile Fighters must suffice in lieu of organic artillery or heavy support weapons beyond what is mounted on their vehicles. Wide spread use of combat drugs like berserkeride among the enlisted is rumored to persist. Squad based fast stealth remote probes, camouflaged and loaded with EMS jammers and ECM are used to spot targets. Each vehicle dismount team includes various specialists. There is a grenadier, an infiltrator and several skirmishers. Each task force is identical in composition. They operate in the Anpaan Subsector and the adjacent Ad Eqerkax Subsector of the Porlock Sector.