Aihoalr (world)

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Aihoalr/Hla'ei (Ealiyasiyw 1614)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size3 Small (4,800 km, 0.24g - 0.34g)
Atmosphere1 Vacuum (trace)
Hydrographics0 Desert World 0%
Population8 Moderate (300 million)
GovernmentD Religious Dictatorship
Law8 High Law (controlled blades)
Tech Level8 Pre-Stellar (superconductors)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary M2 V
Planetoid Belts 0
Gas Giants 5
Jump map from [1]

Aihoalr is a non-agricultural, pre-industrial, moderate population world with over a hundred million, but not yet a billion sophonts in population size.

  • It is unable to produce quality foodstuffs and must import them.
  • Its economy and population are growing and living conditions are expected to improve in the near future barring outside forces.
  • This world is part of the Aslan Hierate, as a vassal clan dominate, in the Hla'ei Subsector of Ealiyasiyw Sector.

Description (Planetology)[edit]

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)[edit]

No information yet available.

World Starport (St)[edit]

Aihoalr has a Class C Starport, an average quality installation which includes amenities including unrefined fuel for starships, some brokerage services for passengers and cargo, and a variety of ship provisions. There is a shipyard capable of doing maintenance and other kinds of repair. Ports of this classification generally have only a downport, unless this is a trade port or system with an hostile environment mainworld.

World Languages[edit]

  • Trokh: The universal language of the modern Aslan monoculture.
    • Aslan Languages: Note that some Aslan clans retain obscure or archaic languages for personal use in addition to Trokh.

References & Contributors (Sources)[edit]

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Mongoose Publishing or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.