Vanejen (world)

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Vanejen/Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 3119)
Classic Era (1116)
StarportC Routine: No Construction, Major Repair, Unrefined fuel
Size6 Medium (9,600 km, 0.60g - 0.81g)
Atmosphere8 Dense
Hydrographics6 Wet World 60%
Population8 Moderate (500 million)
Government5 Feudal Technocracy
Law4 Moderate Law (no light assault weapons)
Tech Level5 Industrial (mass production)
See also UWP
System Details
Primary G1 V M0 V
Planetoid Belts 2
Gas Giants 0

Vanejen (World) Synopsis

A rich world located in the Rhylanor Subsector of the Spinward Marches.

Vanejen (World) Description

The Vanejen system contains an Imperial Research Station. Home of Research Station Gamma (Spinward Marches).

In addition to Vanejen Startown, other major settlements on Vanejen include:

  • Ganemir City
  • Gumlin
  • Ligalik Town


Non-canon: Vanejen is the main world of a binary star system located at 3119 in the Spinward Marches. A total of seven planets and two asteroid belts orbit the two suns. The primary, the G1 star Vitus, holds all the planetary bodies in the system. The companion sun, Gikuk, a dim M8 star, currently about 160AU from Vitus, has a family of two anemic asteroid belts, neither of commercial value. There are no gas giants in this system. The mainworld, Vanejen, the third world out from Vitus, has two tiny moons, Gajkura and Gajsarir.

General Comments

Non-canon: Vanejen itself is a cool world with a dense atmosphere, four mountainous continents and very deep oceans. While it is likely Vanejen has evolved its own life forms, so many imported species have become naturalized that indigenous life is difficult to identify. IISS investigators can only tentatively designate those species they believe to be native, being able to positively classify only obvious imports, such as those brought since Imperial contact.

Of the four continents, humans have permanent settlements on the three in the equatorial region. The fourth, located in the northern hemisphere and considered barren, is set aside by the world government as a reserve for the indigenous, non-human population, referred to locally as Chirpers.


Non-canon: The starport at Vanejen is a class III facility, only recently beginning to offer refined fuel and basic ship repair. Built on the old Navy fortifications, the downport is located near the heart of the Vanejenese capital city of Jeelik. The highport is located on Vanejen's outer moon, Gajsarir, also built on abandoned Navy works. While interstellar traffic has grown dramatically, especially during the last 30 years, growth of the starport facilities has been haphazard. Several economic depressions and a series of scandals have shut down expansion of the port several times. A recent infusion of investments from a consortium of Denebian firms has allowed construction efforts to restart, with a new 20,000 dton berth scheduled to be opened in the near future. It is rumored that the starport will be upgraded to Class IV within a decade.


Non-canon: Diameter 8,900km (5,530 miles), with a density of 5.7g/c3 (1.04 standard), makes Vanejen a somewhat small world. This has proven advantageous to the natives for a number of reasons. In the past, primitive empires were able to achieve global status thanks to the reduced travel and communications times, so large scale violence and war were effectively supressed. The small size and average density means that gravity is only 0.75G standard.


Non-canon: With an air pressure of 1.3 standard at sea level, the atmosphere of Vanejen is classified as dense. The very mass of the atmosphere means that storms, a common occurrence in the temperate regions, can be extremely violent; exercise due caution. A fairly standard oxygen/nitrogen mix, the extensive volcanic activity on this planet can raise levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and various sulfur compounds to the irritant stage in localized areas (closed valleys, for example), compounded during the summer season. The heavy use of fossil fuel technology exacerbates the problem in the major population centers, photochemical smog a common occurrence. Overall conditions, however, remain in the standard tolerance spectrum.


Non-canon: 62%. The icecaps of Vanejen vary seasonally, but average about 15 degrees longitude from either pole. Without extensive landforms to anchor them, these icesheets have a tendency to breakup, especially during the stormy local spring and autumn. This breakup and subsequent melting of the icebergs means that the salinity levels of the Vanejenese oceans, at least the surface layers, are comparatively low. The high winds discussed earlier, however, drive powerful ocean currents, pushing the lower saline waters aside in the areas around the 30 degree latitude region, allowing the dense, highly saline deep waters to come to the surface. This also drives a rich plankton biome in those regions, with a resultant vast array of marine life. The variable salinity, and rather colder temperatures, means that terramorphic life has a hard time adjusting to local pelagic conditions. So far only the Terran penguin has been able to naturalize itself - a Dolphin colonial group went bankrupt in 1095, without placing a single resident on the world.


Non-canon: An official census has not been conducted, but IISS estimates placed the Human population at about 600,000,000 in 1115. Increases in medical technology have boosted local lifespans, already long thanks the high percentage of Vilani ancestry, while infant mortality rates are improving at an even faster rate.

The average age of a native of Vanejen is 10 standard years while the estimated lifespan of a newborn Vanejenese is over 100 years and climbing.

Most of the Human population are genetically pure Vilani, reflecting the origin of the colonists and the limited contact Imperials have had with the majority of the Vanejenese. Imperial settlement has been largely restricted to Jeelik and the regions immediately adjacent, including the Nal Basin and the Northern Planes. Of these, most are of Solomani origin, with a smattering of other Human races. Nearly all Imperials outside of Jeelik are retired Imperial Navy personal, their families and descendants. There are no significant populations of non-Humans, aside from the indigenous Chirpers.


Non-canon: The Membership of Great Families, officially an ad hoc group of powerful industrial clans and their associates, controls most of Vanejen directly or through proxy organizations. IISS experts have classified the Membership as a feudal technocracy, as each Great Family dominates a specific sector of the economy under a set of obligations and strictures modeled on an earlier feudal/military government.

Law Level

Non-canon: The Great Families are not particularly concerned with the actions of individuals, or with most areas of taxation or welfare, providing most such services as part of their own internal structure. Overall Control Rating is classified as 2 in regards to offworlders, who enjoy some greater freedoms than the various caste and clan based native cultures.

Tech Level

Non-canon: The Vanejenese have jumped from an overall TL2 to TL5 in little over a century, in a carefully orchestrated campaign by the Great Families. The major cities can be considered TL6, although at the very early stages and with significant imports of offworld technology. While much of this increase came from offworld investments and outright purchases by the Vanejenese government, a significant portion is home made. The Vanejenese have shown themselves to be quite capable at adapting local, low-tech industries to high tech concepts. While electricity is still a rarity outside of the major cities, computer technology based on fossil fuel driven steel clockwork has become widespread, among other adaptations. There is also a huge, blackmarket, demand for offworld batteries; to drive the bewildering variety of locally produced machines and vehicles.

Vanejen (World) History & Background (Dossier)


Non-canon: When the Imperial Scout cruiser Vitus Bering entered this system in the year 53, they discovered a classic lost colony; a culture so regressed from its First Imperium origins they barely retained iron working skills. The Scouts requested an Interdiction, sealing the world from contact pending an Imperial decision on how to proceed.

As a local nobility was not in place for hundreds of years, the interdiction remained unchallenged, although it was haphazardly enforced prior to the beginning of the third century. Not until the Third Frontier War was the interdiction actually reviewed. In 980 the Imperial Navy received permission to contact the natives, and establish a base. In 995, only a few years after the end of hostilities, the Imperial Navy (IN) facility was closed.

However, by that time the Vanejenese had entered the economy of the Imperium and the starport was converted to civilian use. While that ended official military interest in this system, both the Navy and the Scouts retain rights for future bases. An Imperial Research Station, Gamma, was established in 1075. While the Station itself is well known, the type of research conducted is highly classified. It is thought that the Imperial Navy IN funds this Station.

An unknown number of Chirpers, small bird-like bipeds of limited intelligence, are native to Vanejen. Once widespread, their numbers have dropped dramatically according to IISS estimates, even with active Imperial and local government intervention. Chirpers are still found on all continents, although there has been a push to transport them to specified reserve areas. This has met with limited success and increasing criticism.

Vanejen (World) References & Contributors (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.