Tigress class Dreadnought

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Although some older Battleships of greater displacement remain in service, the Tigress class Dreadnaught is the largest line-of-battle vessel currently in service with the Imperial Navy in the Spinward Marches Sector. Each BatRon of Tigress class vessels is virtually a fleet unto itself, as each ship carries thirty squadrons of heavy fighters (with ten FHs per squadron). A BatRon of eight ships carries 2,400 heavy fighters.

At present, only one Tigress class BatRon is deployed in the Spinward Marches, assigned to 212th Fleet, at Rhylanor. Additional Tigress class BatRons are generally assigned one per sector.

Deployment: In war, the ideal deployment of any BatRon is together, as a unit. In peace, various Tigresses are often scattered throughout a region on peacekeeping missions, or to show the flag. Several individual Tigresses have been deployed among the worlds of the Five Sisters Subsector to enforce the Amber Zone blockade of Candory and Andor.

Similarly, Pantheress was dispatched (much to the chagrin of the Zhodani government) to receive the body of the Imperial Ambassador to Cronor upon her death by assassination in 1104. Given the circumstances of her death, it was difficult for the Consulate to object. The ship's weaponry was ceremonially sealed, but that would mean little in an actual fight. Imperial newstapes treated it as a propaganda coup for months.

Construction: The Tigress class is produced using an armored spherical hull with the single spinal meson gun mounted centrally. A large armored port protects the gun during non-combat operations; the port itself contains focussing equipment for the weapon beam.

Within the sphere, layered decks hold the various on-ship functions such as quarters, computer and electronic equipment, fuel treatment, and maintenance areas. Appended to the back of the sphere is a large heavy fighter launch and recovery installation. Fighters are launched to the rear, to starboard, and recovered from the rear, to port; this arrangement prevents them from entering the meson beam when it is in use, as well as providing some armored bulk between the fighters and the enemy.

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