Ted Lindsey

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Ted Lindsey is a Traveller artist, contributor, and fan.

Description (Biography)

I originally encountered Traveller LBBs (...little black books) at the local Naval base as a child in the late 1970s. With no background or experience with RPGs, I was fascinated by the amount of detail and illustrations in the books and supplements. My first purchase was Supplement 9 Fighting Ships, and I remember pouring over each entry trying to understand the Universal Ship Profiles, which was a challenge since I didn't own the base game or High Guard. A few years later I acquired Traveller Starter Edition in 1983. The approachable format and fantastic box cover art by David Deitrick really sparked my imagination and I slowly began acquiring more books and supplements as I could save up my allowance.

I've been drawing since I was a child, being influenced by a range of things such as Star Wars, Star Trek, and (rare at the time) anime. The art of Traveller was also a significant influence on me, specifically artists such as Bryan Gibson, David Deitrick, Rob Caswell, Tom Peters, and Blair Reynolds. Over the years, I complemented my conventional art skills with computer design applications. While nothing yet has matched paper for pure feel, an Apple Pencil on an iPad is a pretty impressive drawing and painting tool. I also have extensive experience with a wide range of 3D modeling and rendering applications such as Rhino, MOI3D, Cinema 4D, Blender, Modo and ZBrush.

Over the years, I’ve contributed art for various Traveller publications. Most of my art was created for the GURPS Traveller line by Steve Jackson Games. Much of my work for Traveller was done between 1998 and 2005.

More recently I've been building 3D printed versions of my designs, starting with the Type S Scout/Courier I collaborated with Bryan Gibson on for the Traveller T20 edition.

External Link/s

This gentlesophont has the following external links available:

Library Data Entries (Public)

  1. Gibson class Scout/Courier
  2. Miniature
  3. Type S class Scout/Courier

Image Repository

No information yet available.

History & Background (Dossier)

This person has been involved with Traveller in the following ways:

  • Artist

Traveller RPG Wiki Participation

This person has participated at the wiki.

Bibliography-Ludography (Published Products)

This person has authored, contributed, playtested, or otherwise participated in the publication of the following products:

Publications where this person is mentioned in the credits
No Listed works

References & Contributions (Sources)

This list of sources was used by the Traveller Wiki Editorial Team and individual contributors to compose this article. Copyrighted material is used under license from Far Future Enterprises or by permission of the author. The page history lists all of the contributions.