Imperial Bureaucracy

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The Imperial Bureaucracy of the Third Imperium is the group of governing bodies that administers to the needs of the Imperium and is divided into three parts:

  1. Civil Ministries of the Imperium
  2. Defense Ministry of the Imperium
  3. Offices of the Emperor

Description (Specifications)

The largest part are the civil ministries which support the inner workings of the Imperium and are overseen by High nobles. The second part is the Ministry of Defense which oversees, and is run by, the Imperial armed forces. The third and smallest part are the various Imperial offices, which report directly to the Emperor.

Bureaucracy Organization

The three primary groupings of the Imperial Bureaucracy each perform specialized tasks:

  1. Civil Ministries of the Imperium: (Ministry of Administration: Administrative needs such as justice, commerce, communication, science, etc.)
  2. Defense Ministry of the Imperium: (Ministry of Defense: Military needs such as defense of the realm and maintenance of the starways)
  3. Offices of the Emperor: (Ministry of the Emperor: Needs of the Emperor such as security, ceremonial functions, lodgings, travel, etc.)

Civil Ministries of the Imperium

The ministries are overseen by the Imperial Nobility, it is the duty of the high nobility to serve as the minister and director of each of the ministries within their demense.

The ministries within the Imperium are:

A. State & Justice Ministries:

B. Commerce & Communications Ministries:

C. Science & Technologies Ministries:

Defense Ministry of the Imperium

The Minister is in charge of advising the Emperor on military affairs, evaluaing the general state of the Imperial military, and supervising long-term military planning, research and development. The Minister of Defense is appointed by the Emperor and reports directly to him.

  • Imperial Ministry of Defense
    • A. Imperial High Command (Office of Military Command for the Unified Forces of the Imperium): The Imperial High Command, consisting of the First Lord of the Admiralty and the Lord Marshal of the Unified Armies, also report directly to the Emperor. The role of the High Command is to set military policy and perform strategic planning.
      • A1. Office of the Administration
        • Admiralty Command
        • Generalship Command
        • High Imperial Marshal
      • A2. Office of the Commando (Special Forces)
      • A3. Office of Communications (News & Public Relations)
        • Imperial Pax Department
        • Imperial War Department
      • A4. Office of Logistics
        • Imperial Ready Reserve Fleet
        • Imperial Surplus Service
    • B. Admiralty (Office of the Navy): The Naval office of the Ministry of Defense, also know as the Admiralty, is in charge of the Imperial Navy. The Naval office is run by the First Lord of the Admiralty, who heads the Board of the Admiralty.
    • C. Unified Armies Command (Office of the Army): The Lord Marshal of the Unified Armies along with the General Staff of the Unified Armies manages the Imperial Army.

Offices of the Emperor

These offices are part of the Emperors staff and oversee various aspects of the Imperium that do not belong to the other ministries.

Primary Service Offices

Secondary Service Offices

History & Background (Dossier)

When Cleon founded the Imperium, there were five primary bureaucratic agencies. Over the years these agencies have grown, split, intermingled, and rejoined. The bureaucracy at any one point in time can be wildly disparate.

Bureaucratic Origin

The original bureaucracy of the Third Imperium was based upon the governmental institutions of the Sylean Federation and the corporate structure of Zhunastu Industries. Cleon I cleverly blended the two into a unified institution designed to handle rulership of a people and the direction of a mercantile empire.

Later Emperors adapted these bureaucratic structures to the needs of their times. After the First Civil War, Empress Arbellatra decreed that the institutions be given further authority to continue running even when an Emperor might be inept or infirm... Or the Moot might be locked into indecision.

In a very real way, the Imperial Bureaucracy is the Third Imperium.

Imperial Governance & Long-term Stability

One of the far-reaching goals of several of the Emperors of the Third Imperium has been to explore and achieve aeonic stability, or the establishment of a perpetual system of stability and prosperity, a system that preserves and promotes a peaceful and vigorous civilization without inhibiting it. After studying the eventual failures and falls of the First Imperium and the Second Imperium, it has become apparent that the current model of civilization has its limits and the social constructs of sophontdom rise and fall with frightening regularity. The very existence of the Imperial Bureaucracy is rumored to be part of this program to achieve aeonic stability.

A number of programs have been launched in the over a millennium of the Third Imperium's existence including the following:

  1. Exploration of and experimention with Psychohistory
  2. Deliberate programs of sophont species inclusion and diversity
  3. A program to establish cultural regions and establish diversity and tolerance of thought
  4. A program to establish autonomous regions and greater self rule
  5. Gradual improvements to the Imperial Bureaucracy to create continuity, flexibility, and stability of governance
  6. The rumored existence of a special agent program to expand the reach of the Emperor
  7. A failsafe program to safeguard civilization in the case of an apocalyptic event or a second Long Night

References & Contributors (Sources)

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