Fighting Ships (TA 7)

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Fighting Ships
Traveller's Aide #7
Author Ben W. BellMartin Dougherty
Publisher QuikLink Interactive
Version Traveller D20
Edition 1st
Format Book (PDF)
Language English
Pages TBD
Year Published 2003
Canonical Yes
Available from RPGNow
Fighting Ships (TA 7)
Table of Contents

Traveller's Aide #7 Fighting Ships is a later Traveller supplement.

Description (Specifications)

The Imperial Navy is the dominant military force in Charted Space. This volume reveals what the navy does, how it does it, and what tools it uses.

TA 7: Fighting Ships starts off with a comprehensive look at the Imperial Navy, starting with its long and prestigious history and moving on to the technology and design concepts involved in creating a fighting starship. Naval missions are given a thorough treatment, as are the roles of the various different ship classes and their organization into squadrons, task groups and fleets.

Also detailed are many of the warship classes in service in 993 TI, including:

Each class is discussed in terms of its history and possible future, its role and its unique characteristics.

Fighting Ships covers all sizes of ships, and can provide encounters ranging from a battle fleet to a patrol ship, a system defense monitor to a fighter.

These are the vessels that fought the Solomani Rim War and the Third Frontier War. Traveller players using other eras may encounter earlier or later versions of these ships, making TA7 an indispensable resource for the Traveller Referee.

Table of Contents

No information yet available.

Ship classes

  1. Arandol class Light Cruiser
  2. Atlantic class Heavy Cruiser
  3. Azhanti High Lightning class Fleet Intruder
  4. Dryad class Fighter
  5. Fer-de-Lance class Destroyer
  6. Grigot class Strike Fighter
  7. Perisher class Fast Dreadnought
  8. Saberwolf class Destroyer
  9. Seydlitz class Strike Monitor
  1. Perisher class Fast Dreadnought
  2. Dryad class Fighter
  3. Azhanti High Lightning class Fleet Intruder
  4. Saberwolf class Destroyer
  5. Atlantic class Heavy Cruiser
  6. Fer-de-Lance class Destroyer
  7. Grigot class Strike Fighter
  8. Seydlitz class Strike Monitor

Meta-history & Background

No information yet available.

Credits (Primary Sources)

Written By
Ben W. Bell and Martin Dougherty
Edited By
Martin Dougherty
Cover By
Bryan Gibson
Interior Illustrations By
Bryan Gibson
Ship Designs By
William ‘Commander X’ Prankard IV
Art Direction By
Hunter Gordon

References & Contributions (Sources)

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