Neural Activity Sensor

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NAS, portable
Type Sensory aid
Tech Level TL–15
Cost Cr35,000
Size 21l
Weight 10kg

The Neural Activity Sensor (NAS) remotely detects the electrical activity of a lifeform's central nervous system, classifies it by complexity and activity, and compares it to recorded life forms, especially sophonts.

Developed from TL–12 psionic helmet theory, the neural activity sensor was first used medically to diagnose and treat brain disorders.

An area scan is performed first, to determine if any subjects are within range. The readings indicate number, range, and motion of beings exhibiting neural activity in the area. A pinpoint scan can classify the identified creatures according to their intelligence.

The NAS is a passive sensor. Its limited range reduces its use to probes and landing parties.

A portable unit has an effective maximum range of 500 meters. It consists of a backpack and a handset with a retractable parabolic dish focuser. The handset is not attached to the backpack, and it can be operated up to 100 m distant, which further extends the range.

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